The plot thickens.

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Outside, in the outskirts of the demon realm was a lone purplish dragon flying through the air. His goal was that garden who was sprouting below him. One of the few places where life was actually happening in the underworld and one of the prized possessions to this certain dragon. With quick flap of his wings he landed gracefully in the garden, where he greeted by some strange looking plants who easily surrounded him, as their green leaves were stroking the dragon's scale.

"Easy, easy, I got enough food for everyone" the dragon replied with a tiny smile as the ball at the edge of his long slithering tail glowed, creating a light, who in some way could be seen as sunlight, and bathed the small creatures in it.

The plants were jumping up and down rather cheerfully before they all assembled in a line in front of the dragon. All which made the dragon chuckle.

"You are all learning so fast..." The dragon mused "Look at you Flytrap. Is it me and or has your mouth grown bigger? The same to you Cordyceps. Your leaves are glowing. You are all growing up so fast. Only makes me sad to harvest you soon. But only almost. Your daddy needs you for food and medical uses. Yes, I do, yes I do...".

The plants of course lit up, even more than before, knowing they could be of use to the dragon, and it was not like they were gone for good. They were regrown in an endless circle of life after all.

"Master Yuri. Master Yuri. I have great news!" a voice then said and interrupted the dragon boy named Yuri. He tsked annoyed as his peace got interrupted and with a quick flick of his wrist, the plants took action and trapped the intruder.

"Ahr master... Master, please, please put me down...".

"And why should I Dennis? You know this place is holy ground for only me and my brothers" Yuri tsked as he was staring at the orange curly haired boy who was now hanging up in the air, looking down at Yuri.

The Predaplants as he had named the species of his plants, had grabbed around the boy's feet and made him dangle with the head downwards to the ground.

"Well yes of course Master Yuri, but I thought you would make an exception...".

"I never make any exceptions! I thought I taught you that lessen last week, when I hanged you over that boiling fire for three days" Yuri mused out in a cold tone.

"Ah yes, that was hot indeed. Not my favorite hangout. That is for sure" Dennis mused slowly "But, you ordered me to tell you as soon as I got any news...".

Yuri hummed at that. He didn't like Dennis's tone of disrespect, but that was something he never could get rid of unfortunately. No matter how much he tortured the boy, that was just something he couldn't get rid of. There was a time where he had rather obedient and learned his lessons, but that changed one day when Dennis met his brother Yuya and became friends. Yuya's happy entertaining spirit just rubbed off him, and suddenly all was magic and positivity from Dennis. Its annoyed Yuri to no end. He was Yuri's own personal Satan soul after all, given to him by his father, which was rare gift indeed. His father barely cared about him after all or acknowledged he was existing. He was amazed he was allowed to keep his garden, since he was creating life, and that was looked ill upon by the other demons. Not that he was going to put himself in Yugo's situation. They were not alike at all. No, he was more refined than letting everyone know he had this place. Besides, Yuya had always been his father's favorite out of all of them.

"You were having news for me?" Yuri then asked as he shifted into his human form.

Dressed in a purple formal coat with a red cape around his shoulder, to show he was a prince and gray pants was his formal dress code. Not preferable, but Yuri didn't want his father's disdain more than usual. Unlike Yuya and Yugo who cared little about their appearance, they were spoiled in Yuri's opinion, Yuri did pride himself with being the demon king's son. Even though his father barely cared about him.

Yugioh Arc V Au. A pact with the devilWhere stories live. Discover now