The trap.

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"You sure he is coming?".

That was the first words Gili woke up to as she groggily opened her eyes. The scent of incense was all around her and it made her nauseous.

"I am sure. He will come to rescue her" another voice said in a firm tone.

Gili blinked several times as her sight began getting better, and soon she was meet with utter darkness. Or that was at least what she felt it like. When she concentrated, she could see a bit of light coming from the different candlesticks, around on what she assumed was on tables. The light was so far away from her that she couldn't quite see the surroundings. She couldn't even see the people that were talking.

"How can you be sure about that Phoenix? He is a demon. He could have abandoned her when she wasn't of more used to him!" the first voice hissed "Just like my father...". The hatred was clear in his voice now.

"What happened to you and your brother was unfortunate Kite, but you cannot be driven by hate and anger all the time" the other voice tried reassure "That is not what the holy mother wants you to do...".

"Yeah like you understand... priest. You were left on the doorstep to a church when you were baby. You don't know the definition of losing someone dear to you" The voice, Kite replied.

All which made Gili shiver. She remembered now. Kite Tenjo had transferred to her school and pestered her. She had run into this priest who... Gili shook her head. Had she been kidnapped? It did make sense if this priest and Kite Tenjo were working together. Gili bit her lip. They were not even interested in her, but Declan. If she manages to escape her precious Declan would not be in danger. Sure, she had no clue where she was, or if there even was an exit somewhere, but she had to use this chance of them bickering to get away. She tried pushing herself up, only to find herself being restrained to a stony surface. Silence uttered around her as the two males had stopped talking all of the sudden, and soon Gili found the light from a torch hovering above her.

"Well look who woke up" the smoothing voice of the priest could be heard. Gray hair appeared for her sight, as well as the white and black ropes he was wearing. He was clearly the same guy who took her earlier.

"You told me she would sleep through it all" Kite sneered as he appeared to her right side as well. He was glaring accusingly at this priest.

"I already explained this. She is a strong one. Her spiritual powers are of the normal quote. If she wasn't connected with this vile demon, she could be an amazing priestess" the priest replied and sighed "I am sorry young lady, but we had to restrain you until we dealt with that demon contractor of yours. I hope you understand".

"No, I don't understand" Gili hissed in an angry tone "Who are you guys?!".

"My apologies. We didn't introduce us. How rude of us" the priest said as he bowed apologetic "My name is Aster Phoenix. High priest of the holy order. At your service. I am sure you have been acquaintances with Kite Tenjo here. He is my...".

"I am not yours anything Phoenix. I am grateful to the order of refuging my brother and I, but I am not your soldier. Ever!" Kite sneered back "I hunt demons because I want to. Not because of your duties. The royal family will regret messing with me!". Then Kite left or at least went out of sight, leaving Gili alone with the priest.

"Oh, such fire. One of our best demon hunters. If he just could abandon his thirst for revenge" Aster mused and sighed "But alas, we cannot force people to change...".

"You... you from the order? Declan told me about you" Gili replied and shivered slightly. Didn't Declan say the exorcists were on the human's side. With all that was going on here, she didn't quite believe that any longer.

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