The fight.

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The bell ran over the door to the pub named Bootleg, as a hooded character entered the room. The bartender for this day, being Shinji Weber looked up as the stranger entered the place, and he smiled. They were having a lot of strangers today.

"What can I get you stranger? A drink? A place to sit. I recommend eating the newest addition. A fish recipe our...".

"I am not here to eat" the stranger interrupted and were holding a picture up in front of the bartender "Have you seen this person?".

Shinji hummed as he pointed in the room at the corner. The stranger thanked him, as he walked past him and over to the first stranger they had been having today. Shinji chuckled. Crow would be so jealous when he came back to work. It was going to be an eventful day for sure today.


That was the first thing the blue haired boy with green bangs heard, before he quelled the drink before him. Then he tsked as he glared down the stranger in the hoodie and cloak. Even with hoodie his red spiky hair stood up like crazy.

"Allen" He quirked annoyed "What are you doing here? How did you find me?".

"This is the fifth pub I have been in" Allen replied as he tossed his hood and sat down on the chair in front at the other side of the table "Saya and I are worried about you".

"Because I go to a pub to drink?" Shay snort in a cold tone "We are exorcists. Or apprentices. Not God damn saints Allen".

"Of course not. You can drink as much as you like. Especially, since this is alcohol free. You ordered a coke, didn't you?" Allen replied as he smirked.

"So, what if I did? It is a free country. You can't lecture me about what to drink" Shay snort out as he bailed half of the coke away.

"Of course not, but I believe I can lecture you about heartbreaks" Allen said as he waved at the waiter to bring him the exact same drink Shay was drinking.

"Heartbreak? I don't know what you are talking about" Shay snort back as reply.

"Then explain to me why you left the order so suddenly. Or better yet why you chose this pub particularly . It is known to be famous place for demons to hang out" Allen said. All which made Shay shut up. He didn't need to explain himself here. For that reason, Allen soon continued "You were waiting for Yuto to show up, weren't you?".

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't want anything to do with that traitor!" Shay hissed angrily "That... that demon can rot in hell for all I care!".

"Hmm really?" Allen said and were holding the drink the waiter had just brought him in his hands now "Then why are you ordering a coke, who is spiced up with hmm chilly and are having lavender petals in it. Admit it, you ordered a drink that resembles Yuto's hair color. You are so into him Shay".

"I am not into anybody!" Shay sneered rather defensively "We were nothing! Nothing I tell you! And even if there were, He is a demon Allen! He used his charm to get closer to me and the order. He put a spell on me Allen!".

"Aha? You really believe that? You believe Yuto's friendship with all of us is because of a demonic spell?" Allen questioned and sighed deeply. "Well if that is true, it should have lifted already. We should already have forgotten about him and moved on. Especially you Shay. Instead I find you sit at a pub drinking your sorrows away in a coke, that resemble your lover. Do I need to spell it out further?".

"But I... He is a demon Allen!" Shay ended up replying with.

"Half a human. Rumors are already spreading Shay. Especially since he left the order after killing the Doktor" Allen corrected and drank from his glass "I have a feeling he knew he would be expelled and left before that could happen. None of us managed to say goodbye to him. So, what are you going to do with this info Shay? Are you tracking down Yuto before he disappears to the underworld for good or are you giving up on him?". Shay growled annoyed for a second, before he caved and sat down his glass at the table with a soft clank.

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