The pendulum.

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The warmness and feeling of soft pillows were the first thing Yuya felt when he woke up. His eyes were groggy, and his body felt so tired it was like he had run a marathon. It was for those reasons it took him a while to realize where he was. Or in this case who was with him. Sounds of flicking wings could be heard and annoyed by the sound Yuya opened his eyes, finding himself face to face with a glittering monster who was floating in front of him.

"Wah!" Yuya uttered rather surprised and were almost about to fall out of that bed he found himself lying in.

Only almost. The monster prevented him. Its white tail with blue scales had wrapped itself around him to protect him. Its glittering wings were glowing a little bit too, making Yuya finally recognize the monster.

"Wait. Are you one of Yugo's? Your color scheme resembles him".

The monster coed a sweet noise and that alone made Yuya relax down at the pillow he had just been lying at. After the events with Iggy, and the pain he had felt from the tattoos, he had been extremely worried. About his location. About the threat Iggy gave him. Well, on everything in that situation really. However, his worries have all been for none. He was in no danger. He was home. He was safe.

"Yuya!" a voice could then be heard, and it was like a summer breeze flew past through him, before arms were wrapped around him. Worry was dripping off from the voice itself now "I heard the signal! Kite drake is he alright? Has his condition worsened? Oh Yuya!".

"Yugo! Yugo! It is okay! I am alright! No need to fret". He could see his brother's blue eyes look down at him now. A worried sigh exhaled from him now.

"Oh Yuya! Sweet loving little brother! You are alright! Thank papa and all stars in the universe that you are alright" he then uttered and rubbed his cheek at him like he was the most precious in the world.

Or in this case the room. An action Yuya let him do. Just in order to make him calm down. Then Yugo turned towards the monster he had made guard him and send him an appreciated smile.

"Thank you so much Kite drake. You did a great job. You and the other Speedroid will be given a feast in oil tonight" he spoke.

The monster let out a cheerful noise. Yuya figured it was the sound of happiness. Unlike him and his other brother's Yugo was the only one understanding any of his creations that could speak. His most precious creations were of course his Speedroid who he had stored with a human soul. That might sound wrong but with all the souls they made deals with, they had to store them someplace until they have been of use. It helped ration the souls they were having and actually solved several disputes over food. Especially between lesser and stronger demons. Of course, there were demons who disliked this action since they loved the old days and raw violence, but Yuya were not one of those. He was proud of what each of his brother's had accomplished. Even Yuri.

"Yugo... what happened?" Yuya then questioned slowly "I... I fought Iggy from the envy clan. But I...".

"Papa of course saved you silly. He killed that traitor and brought you here" Yugo responded and sat down by his bedside "Whatever that bastard did to you, it left you out of it for several hours. Or is it days? I am not good at telling time apart sometimes. Well, the point is that he is gone, but if he were alive, I would personally kill him myself".

Yuya just send him a cheeky smile. Of course, it was so Yugo to be forgetting time when he was working in his workshop. Not that it didn't leave a bad taste in Yuya's mouth knowing Iggy was dead. Or the consequences of him being alive. It made Yuya shiver a little.

"My sweet treasures. It makes me so happy to see you bond" a new voice then spoke making both boys instantly turn towards the newcomer at the door.

Yugioh Arc V Au. A pact with the devilWhere stories live. Discover now