The Order.

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"Yuto, take the left flake!".

"Right I am on it!" he shouted as the pierced through the demonic spirit with his sword, or in this case claw, as the sword was created by ripping one of his nails of his dragon claw, and transformed it into a black sword.

Not that Shay would ever know about it. He couldn't. If his partner knew what he truly was... Yuto shook his head at the lone thought of it. Everyone in the order knew Shay's hatred for the demon nobles and what they had done to his family and sister. If he knew the truth, Yuto was sure he would cast him aside. He was after all a demon prince. A growling sound could be heard behind him, as a demon spirit materialized itself behind him. It was about to strike him, maybe even try to rip him in half, when another sword sliced through it, and saved him.

"What in the world are you doing Yuto?!" Shay hissed beside him. "You are not focused on this at all. This is so unlike you".

"My apologizes" Yuto mused as he drew his sword into the scabbard. This training exercise was over with after all.

"You have not been yourself since we found that scum of a demon noble" Shay sneered as he also let his sword get back in his scabbard. "You never told me what happened that day". Yuto shrugged slightly. Not that his fight with Declan had changed anything really. He already knew he was a traitor.

"I told you already. I knocked you out in order to escape. End of story" Yuto replied firmly "We are only apprentices. None of us could stand up to that demon's strength. If you still mad about that then...".

It is not my problem. Or that was at least what he had been about to say, when Shay pulled him into a surprised hug. His lips were extremely close to his left ear.

"Do I look mad to you Yuto?" he then whispered which made him shiver "But there is something you are not telling me, and I wanna know what it is".

"Shay I..." Yuto began but then pushed his partner off him.

"There is nothing to tell" he then hissed and before Shay could ask into it, he left the training area, leaving a confused Shay behind.

Time skip.

"You two were amazing!" Allen Kozuki shouted cheerfully as Yuto and a reluctant Shay appeared in the viewing area seconds later.

Allen was a short boy, with similar high as Yuto. His red spiky hair stood out in the crowd and it was easy to spot him and their female friend Saya, at the waiting area. If it was not for his hair, Yuto would still be able to recognize him since Allan was the only one wearing a poncho. Yuto sighed deeply as he sat down in the chairs his friends had reserved for him and Shay.

"You almost hit Kite Tenjo's score!" Allen continued and handed his friend a slush ice. All to call him down and give him fluence.

"We could have done better. Yuto lacked focus in there" Shay mused as he glared at Yuto. He was not going to tell them what had happened in the training room. Not as long as Allen and Saya was here, but when his eyes meet with Yuto, his eyes clearly said, 'we talk about this later'. Something Yuto was grateful for.

"But still, you two did great" Allen continued and looked at the girl beside him "Isn't that right Saya? They are even better than most of the recruits here".

Yuto gazed over to Saya Sasayama. Her light purple, lilac hair was neatly put together. Dressed in a light blue dress, with a teal turtleneck over it while held up by brown shoulder straps were her preferable outfit. Brown tights, white fingerless gloves, white leg warmers with teal cuffs and straps, along with orange shoes completed her outfit. That and she had spectacles along with a blue belt at her midsection with a cross symbol in it, made Yuto sigh inside. He still couldn't believe he was friends with three exorcist apprentices. Not that he regretted their friendship.

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