The deal.

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A,N: Quick warning before you read this chapter. Torture and a bit violence is happening in the start of the chapter. Just beware.


That was all Declan manage to hold back as the whip, or tail, or claw Yuri decided to use in this torturous actions hit him. Not that Declan cared about what tools Yuri really used. No all he cared about was the pain inflicted on his body and... and Gili. She was in his thoughts constantly these days. She was his hope. His thought of resistance against this, and the reason he hadn't broken yet. Everyone knew how cruel and sadistic the oldest prince, the now crown-less prince, now that their father considered Yuto to rule in his place, instead of Yuri. The furious prince was surely just getting rid of his anger by inflicting pain unto others. Or so were the rumors. However, it was said that if you caught his attention, death was preferable. Declan understood this now. Clear as crystal. He had been tortured for three days straight, if Yuri or his servants told the truth about the time that is, and were kept in a secret location in the demon realm. That Declan could believe, since he was knocked out the minute, they entered the demon realm. What he couldn't believe was that his own father had sold him out to cruel prince. Just like that. Sure, his father was strict, but not heartless. Or so he thought. Now he wasn't so sure. According to his father it was an agreement they had made. Him and Yuri in order for the prince's participation in this. The same agreement had been made by the Sloth clan in some way. Not that Declan was going to ask into that. He already felt sorry for whatever poor soul was given to Yuri. He didn't need to know who it was.

"You are quite resilient Declan. I commend you for that. I had Dennis whine around at this point" Yuri then said as he was standing in front of him in his human form again. His creepy hands rubbing at his cheek. That made Declan spit at him.

"Don't use my name as if we know each other!" He managed to sneer out.

That of course earned him a backhanding by the dragon boy, that made him see stars for at least some seconds. Not that this was the first or last time he would do that.

"And don't you speak to me like we are equals" Yuri replied and smirked evilly.

"You are psychotic!" Declan hissed which only made Yuri chuckle.

"Why thank you. I will take that as a compliment".

"It wasn't a compliment!" Declan sneered and hissed in pain as Yuri's craw ran down his face in a rather painful matter.

"Well it should be, but you will soon know the difference. I assure you of that" Yuri replied and chuckled "After all you will cave eventually. They all do. The question is if that will be before or after your little human sweetheart gets here...".

"You will not touch a hair on her head!" Declan managed to yell in fury.

"Oh of course not. That was after all the agreement we had three days ago, or do you not remember our bargain?" Yuri said as he was licking the blood of his nails. Declan groaned slightly as he recalled the events.

Three days earlier.

"Wakie, wakie. Lord Akaba, it is time to wake up. We cannot keep my master waiting, now can we?" a teasing voice said, as they continuously slapped over the face.

One of the reasons Declan of course awoke from his slumber, because that was annoying. A red-haired smiling individual were the first thing he saw and all it did was annoying him even more. Of all the people he was expecting to see, Dennis Macfield was not one of them. He was working for Yuri and him here was never a good thing. There had been many rumors about his existence before he became a Satan Soul. Especially, since he was Yuri's. Dennis was not the definition of Yuri's usual Satan soul collection or any people for that matter. That was for sure. He usually allied himself with strong or agile people he could see use for. Dennis was the opposite, but Declan had a vague idea why that was. Certain event happened a couple of maybe a century ago. Declan couldn't remember when exactly, but everyone had heard about it. It was an unforgettable moment in the demon history since a demon, Yuya to be exact, had made deals with humans without taking something in return. There had been an outrage, of demons and souls alike, but none other were angrier than the demon king himself. Zarc had been furious! One of the few times he had ever scolded Yuya, being his favorite and all, but that day, Declan was sure heaven could hear that earful he was giving him. He had demanded that Yuya collected what the humans owed him. He even went with him so that Yuya did it correctly. It had been a heartbroken experience for Yuya, since he of course had befriended his contractors, and since then Yuya had never ever had any contracts with anyone. Declan wondered if Dennis had been one of those souls Yuya had collected. It did make sense since they were so similar, but the question still remained why Yuri had gotten that soul, and not Yuya.

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