The stranger.

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"It is going to be okay child. Do not worry".

That was the first words Kite heard and remembered completely. He felt weird. Like he was drifting in between worlds, and he wondered if this was the great beyond.

"Just listen to my voice".

Kite groaned as he began concentrating. This voice was soothing. Kite was not even sure that it was a man or a woman speaking to him. However strong arms were holding him. They were as soothing and warm as the voice had been. Kite wondered if this was how a newborn felt when they were in their parent's arms for the first time. All he knew was that he didn't want this warmth to end.

"Just listen to my voice and... obey".

Kite nodded slightly. Half unconscious as he was or felt. He wasn't sure here, but he would listen to the voice who was so soothing and warm. It was helping him.

"That's right. Listen. Now go to sleep. You will feel much better afterwards". And Kite couldn't do anything but obey.

Time skip.

The sound of dripping water was the first sound Kite heard as he came to himself. At first, he couldn't really see anything, because everything around him was shrouded in darkness. His first thought was that he was blind, but nothing covered his eyes, and after a while he did get used to the darkness and could more or less see his surroundings. Rocky walls were at his back and feet, and Kite soon realized he was in a cave of some kind. Mostly because light was coming from the stars in the night sky. Wait?! It was night? He was sure it had been daytime when they entered the portal and... fought his father?! That thought alone made Kite so dizzy that he didn't manage to stand up. Even when he tried. The whole event was running through his mind. The story about his father and his brother Hart. He had let his guard down and his father had attacked. He was injured in... Kite rubbed his stomach and found bandages wrapped around him. Where an injury was supposed to be was well nothing. Kite couldn't understand it. That kind of injury was difficult to heal. Even if he got medical attention right away, he should be able... or should he? Had his father turned him into a demon? Was that the reason he had recovered so much? Kite groaned as he tried to get up again. He needed answers and he was not getting them by sitting here and do nothing.

"I do not think it is such a good idea to move boy. Your injury was very fatal" a voice suddenly said. It made Kite jerk in surprise, which also made pain run through his wound. Kite couldn't help himself as a little scream left his lips.

"I told you so. Are all members from the celestial Order this foolish?" the same voice, a male's voice, responded.

Kite's eyes flickered around, trying to find the one who spoke, while at the same time he stumbled around, hitting the cave wall seconds later. He did however manage to find the one talking. At the entrance to the cave was a man standing. Or Kite figured it was a man since it was a male's voice that spoke. That and he was tall. Taller than he was, but besides that he couldn't really see this stranger's features.

"Who are you?" Kite asked as his eyes narrowed in suspicion. Then he remembered what the man had asked him and added "Where do you know of the holy order?".

"There isn't a demon who hasn't heard about the order boy" The man snort out coldly "You are after all killing my brethren".

"So, you are here for revenge? Is that why you are here or are you an associate of my father? Why save me? What do you want? No demon does anything for free. Especially not helping a member of the order" Kite asked in a fierce tone.

"Smart boy. At least you not completely stupid. Maybe you will be worthwhile after all" the man replied as he walked inside the cave.

Grey hair meets his eyes first. Then his clothes. His plain blue and white jacket who was open and revealed a black undershirt. Black pants with shoes completed his look. All which made Kite frown. This was the plainest demon he had ever seen. Then he met his eyes. His golden eyes and Kite shivered slightly. The thought Obey, obey, obey rang through him like you were ringing a bell right in front of him, and he instantly tried to redraw himself from the man who was now hovered above him.

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