The Doktor.

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"Okay miss Gili. Focus on the light in front of you and concentrate!" Aura lectured in a firm tone. 

Gili nodded eagerly, as she did just that. She could feel the warm blue energy tickle at her fingertips. Her hand roamed over the boy hospitalized in bed in front of her as her finger touched his forehead gently.

"That's right. Keep it steady" Aura advised "Don't fight it. Let the energies show you want you need to see...".

"I... I see... I see a house. It is burning in the night" Gili mused "Two boys are running... from a creature...".

"That is good. You are on the right trail..." Aura said slowly as it was the guiding voice in all this chaos. "What else do you see my lady?".

"I... it is blurry. The creature is hunting them. The boys. It looks familiar..." Gili mused as pictures flashed through her mind "They are afraid and... no the youngest boy trips and... the creature is... it is horrible! They are getting swallowed...".

"My lady... Gili! Take a deep breath! Follow my voice and let's return back" Aura advised in a surprising tone.

She could feel hands on her shoulder, as Gili minutes later awoke, sweat dripping down her forehead. A glass with water was been held towards her, and Gili instantly grabbed it. She felt extremely thirsty.

"What happened? Did she find the cure for Hart?" another voice then said.

"Kite shut it. Let her calm down first" Aura sneered.

Gili groaned as her vision got better and he found herself in a comfortable chair beside the hospital bed and the comatose boy Kite and Aura wanted her to look into. Now she could also see the two people who was with her. Kite standing behind her, a meter or so apart, while Aura was standing in front of her, with a worried expression.

"I... I am... I am okay. I just... need more water" Gili replied slowly as she was holding the empty glass in front of them.

"Sure. Sure. You can have whatever you want... as long as you cure Hart" Kite replied instantly, as he grabbed the glass and rushed over to the sink a bit away from here. Water could be heard running a bit, before Kite did return, with a filled glass. Gili grabbed it and drank greedily from it.

"You went far. Maybe even too far" Aura then mused. "Watching from afar when watching someone's past is all good and fine, but when we begin to synchronize with our target it can be dangerous. Their memories can become yours and you can be swallowed. It is the same with the future. You cannot judge regardless what you see".

"I... I think I understand" Gili replied and nodded eagerly "I cannot take sides. I have to stay neutral when they want to show me something. I cannot fight it...".

"And ground yourself. Sure, this is not harmonics, and your powers are not that developed, but always have something that anchors you, so you can come back" Aura said slowly "I have my crystal ball. You need to find something like that".

"Declan is my anker" Gili replies right away "He brought me back last time".

"No that is different" Aura replied and sighed "To harmonics he is your opposite. Your lifeline. Ironically, in his presence, your spiritual power will fluctuate. Just like Harmonics will not work without him. You need an object that keeps you grounded Gili. You need to be independent. You need to be able to function without him too".

"Without him...?! But we promised we would always be together!" Gili uttered rather scared "You... you said he would come back from this mission".

"He will. But there will be other missions Gili" Aura replied and smiled a little sad smile "There will be a time when you have to face great danger without him by your side. That was the purpose for this exercise". '

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