The contract.

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A,N: Just a quick warning. This chapter is a bit violent and a tiny bit gore. It is a demon story. Also, a bit longer than usual. Hope that still interests you though.

Gili has never felt so frightened in her entire life. She was sure of that. Nothing could come close to the fear she was feeling right now, staring inside the hexagram and on the demon boy in there. It didn't help that he had just declared their own deaths seconds earlier. If a demon threat was real, Gili was sure it was this boy. He was really going to kill them all.

"Kill us?" Regina managed to muster out and were suddenly stuttering with confidence "No chance. You are still captured by our wards mister. So, if you want to get free, I suggest you do as we tell you and make a bargain with us. Or else...".

"Or else what?" the boy questioned and snort "You don't have the skills to even tie me down, let alone defeat me". Gili could see how Regina were clenching her fists in an angry matter. She clearly didn't like the insult she was given.

"How dare you Demon! You are the one trapped not me!" She then yelled back in an angry matter "I have you know; I pride myself in my abilities...".

"Yeah don't insult Regina!" Tohma and Kenta shouted in support. Gili just flinched even more. Making him angry was clearly not the right way to go. The boy didn't even seem faced as he licked his lip in an almost hungry matter.

"Hmm I guess you will be worth my while after all" the boy then said as he attacked with a fierce fist at the wards and its barrier "Hold on to that pride of yours my dear, so I can rip it from your dead corpse when I kill you all".

That was the last words spoken before hell was literally loose. The boy didn't need much effort before fire rose around him and burned away the wards and barrier. All in one go. His appearance even changed into what Gili would see as an armored warrior. His body got literally wrapped in dark black and red colored armor. Even his face got covered by this strange armor mask.

(Here is more or less what he looks like without sword and shield  )

(Here is more or less what he looks like without sword and shield  )

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Regina's frightful scream were the first reaction here. Gili was frozen in panic and all she managed was to take some few steps backwards before the demon struck. Regina, Kenta and Tohma had apparently more adrenaline in them since they began running and this demon attacked them with a ferocity like none other. With one attack from his right hand, Regina was pierced through her stomach, letting out a groaned piercing scream before the light left her eyes and she hit the ground, dead. The shock that ran through Gili at this display was like none other, but surprisingly she managed on shaky legs to actually walk over to her former bully and stare at her remains and the blood that covered the floor red.

"Regina..." Gili gulped in a harsh cry as she fell down to her knees in pure distress. Not caring that Regina's blood soaked her hands and clothes now. "She didn't deserve that...".

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