The transfer student.

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"I want you to introduce to you all a new transfer student. He got permitted this morning" The teacher introduced, as she made everyone of the students silent.

Gili lifted her head from the table as the teacher made this new student enter the classroom. His blond hair with green spiked brags stood out instantly and made several girls, including Regina, fall for his good looks. Dressed in a puffed off white shirt, brown pants and a long black coat, he looked bad ass. Too bad ass for Gili's taste. There was something about him. She couldn't quite figure it out, but suspicion was clear in her eyes. Declan had taught her that nothing was what it seems. Why would they get a new transfer in the middle of the year? They were not Declan, being demon and could influence himself into the school rather easily.

"Hello, my name is Kite Tenjo" the blond-haired boy introduced and made a slight bow.

Interestingly he didn't say anything else. Usual students were saying things like 'please take care of me' or 'nice to meet you'. It was like he knew he was not going to be around for long. That cold exterior of course made the girls even more crazy.

"Oh, he is such a honk" Regina stated. She was sitting at her desk in front of Gili and were having almost dreamy eyes at this Kite Tenjo.

"He is nothing special..." Gili mused, which of course got Regina's attention.

"Ha of course you would say that. You already have that Akaba boy wrapped around your finger" Regina replied as she glared back at Gili "Speaking of which, where is your so-called boyfriend today? Finally ditching you?".

"No! He just had family business today" Gili quickly replied back at first before her voice turned rather flustered "And... And Declan is not my Boyfriend...".

"But someone wishes they were" Regina whispered back in a teasing matter, which forced Gili to hide her face in her textbook now. She wanted to sneer back that that was not true, but Gili just couldn't lie to herself or Regina. She felt like it would taint Declan's memory. She was already missing him as it was.

"You can have the empty seat near Gili today. Declan Akaba seem to be missing today" The teacher advised "That until we get your own desk of course". And soon Gili found herself having this weird blond kid as her neighbor too. Just Great. Declan, where are you?

The lesson went well. Even with this transfer student intense stare at her. Or that was at least how Gili felt it was. This new student barely did anything, besides speaking a few words to the crew of fangirls. He had been extremely harsh with them actually, before he went outside the classroom at lunch time. His excuse was that he wanted to go to the bathroom, but Gili didn't believe him. For that reason, she decided to follow him without him noticing of course. Soon Gili found her hunch to be correct. He did not go to the bathroom, but instead went in an empty corridor. Gili had hidden herself inside a locker. Her small stature made it possible for her to hide the most unusual places. That and Regina had once pushed her inside a locker for the fun of it, so Gili knew she could fit in it. After making sure no one were watching, Kite pulled out a handy from his pockets of his pants and made a call.

"Yeah it is me" he almost yelled out. Clearly angry with whoever he was speaking to.

"Yes. I am there. But care to tell me why I have sneak around like this Phoenix. Why don't we just do it the hard way?" Kite then questioned "He is not even around". Growling sounds could be heard from Kite, as this person on the other end answered.

"I do not care about her being human. She is part of this... and shut up with the oath already. You know full well why I joined you...". More hissing sounds came from Kite before he yelled "Fine! We do this your way, but if nothing has changed until sundown, we do things MY way!". '

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