The story of the past part 2.

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"You are my queen Ray. Together we will rule these worlds".

"And I told you time and time again, I do not wish to rule".

"Fine! I rule but at least satisfy me by staying by my side. I love you".

"Of course. I love you too. Let's stay together. Forever and always".

"Yes, Always!".

Declan were staring in disbelief as the last name of the holy mother got revealed.

"Wait Akaba, but that is my last name" he then uttered and looked at Gili with perplex eyes "Are you saying this Ray and I are related? My father never said...".

"That is because he is a demon now" Yuto mused slowly and sighed deeply. His eyes flickered to Shay before continuing "My father told me about the Akaba line and how it brought him great joy once. For that reason, the Akaba line has been kept solid and secure. They even became a clan over the years and were the first my father decided to become nobles in his regime. That is also the reason for why he chooses you Declan for a seat at the inner circle". Declan were staring in disbelief at Yuto.

"Are... are you saying my father is a... Satan soul?" he then asked.

He couldn't quite believe it. Satan souls were demons, who once were humans and have had a contract with a demon. As that contract ended, the demon took his prize, the soul of the contractor, and if he saw any worth, he revived it as a demon servant or...

"Yes, that is exactly what he is" Yuto replied "Father made him out a scattered and injured soul... something he is very proud of. I just never understood why...".

"That is because of Ray herself" Gili mused out. Declan could see her rub her temples for a bit before she continued "They were contracted. The first ever celestial contract. Zarc had no choice but to obey...".

"Please, I beg you. Save my father. I cannot live without him in this world. Please just bring him back. I beg you!".

"As you wish!".

"... but his body was damaged beyond repair, so he revived him as a demon instead. Together they all ventured into the world..." Gili ended, or Declan believed that was it. His beloved Gili didn't look so good, pale as she was, but then again, she must be quite hungry considering she hasn't eaten for three whole days.

"This is all quite fascinating" Alexis mused with a smile "Ray, our holy mother was one special woman. That is why we honor her so much".

"Agreed" Aster mused with a smile "Even from beyond the grave...".

"Yuto!" Shay then suddenly shouted and got everyone's attention. Shay were glaring at Yuto now. "Are you saying... are you admitting that you are that bastard's son? The demon kings. Are you a demon?!".

Silence uttered all around them as people were waiting for Yuto's answer. Declan snort inside. Had those humans not even picked up on that yet? This would be interesting.

"Yes. I am Yuto Haouryu. The second prince of the demon king. Zarc is my father..." Declan was sure he was going to say something more, but Shay wouldn't let him.

He had grabbed Yuto in the collar of his shirt and lifted him up, so they were in height with their eyes. The anger who was radiating from Shay at this moment, Declan was sure it was worthy food for Sorano. It was clear that Yuto was letting him grab him like this. If he really wanted to, he could escape easily.

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