Chapter 16

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At that moment, the whole world around me changes. The air fills with screams and panic.

In a flash, I see the guards running wildly in pursuit of Nora, determined to catch her and drag her away. Suddenly, Nora grabs my hand, her eyes burning with determination. Without hesitation, she starts running and drags me along in her mad escape.

The terrifying sound of shouting guards echoes through the corridors as their heavy boots thud against the walls.

In a fraction of a second, I realize I have no choice but to follow her, and my instinct takes over. We race down the corridor, my heart pounding in my throat. Adrenaline courses through my veins, and my thoughts are overwhelmed by the only thing that matters: running.

Nora has already given herself away by fleeing, and I follow her fearlessly into the darkness of the corridors as the guards close in on us. The resounding noise of their thudding footsteps and their furious shouts to stop us fills my ears, intensifying the fear.

The situation rushes by like a storm, barely allowing me to register that Nora suddenly turns around. A fierce wind, as uncontrollable as a devouring tornado, escapes her hands with the force of a tempest. The wind hits the five guards with astonishing speed, pulling them down the corridor and smashing them against the wall with a crushing force.

'Night rider!' The guard's shrill voice cuts through the corridors like a knife, sending an icy shiver down my whole body.

Not only am I being pulled along by Nora's flight, but I'm also a fugitive myself. It dawns on me that it's not just Nora's life at stake, but mine as well. Once they catch me, I'll be subjected to interrogation, torture, and maybe even death, all for an answer. They might not yet be certain about the secret I carry, but they suspect something.

We hurriedly turn corners, bump into servants, and desperately try to stay away from the terrifying shouts. Based on the words of the shouting guards, they're hot on our heels.

With each turn, more guards seem to join in, their footsteps pounding in my ears and their shouting growing louder and louder. My heart beats like mad, both from the exertion and from fear. In this dire situation, there's no doubt: it's either escape or face death, no middle ground. If they catch me, I'm doomed. If they shoot me, I'll die.

Elien flashes through my mind multiple times. As much as I don't want to leave the boy behind, I have no other choice now. It's no longer about him or me; it's about me or death. My only chance is to escape here, even if it means leaving Eliën behind.

'What's the way to the roof?' As we take the fifth turn, Nora shouts above the guards' noise.

I snap out of my thoughts and trip over my own footsteps. My ankle twists, a scream escapes my mouth. Pain shoots through my entire body via my foot, as if someone has stabbed a knife into my skin and twisted it until there seems to be no nerve left. I immediately feel nauseous and see black spots in front of my eyes.

'Stay put!' I react as quickly as I can, struggling to get up from the cold floor and kicking off my heels.

My gaze flickers between the approaching guards and Nora on the other side of the corridor. The guards are getting closer with each step, meter by meter.

My fingers stretch out, ready for magic. I sweep my hands through the air, the wind escaping between my fingertips. With a powerful sweep, I send the wind straight at the first five guards, who are blown against the right wall like helpless insects.

I haven't used my magic in so long that it almost feels like I've forgotten how. It takes immense effort and drains energy, but I have to push through.

'They're two of them!' The words send shivers down my spine, telling me I can't hide anymore.

My father must think he's hit the jackpot.

I push all feelings of pain out of my mind and bite through it like a lion into its prey. I run after Nora, as far as I can.

I don't answer Nora's question; I just run towards the door. The first corridor on the left, the second on the right, and the last one on the left. The wooden door to the roof appears at the end of the corridor. It's our only way out, despite all the guards in the towers. I know that once I open this door, there's no turning back.

I stop briefly in front of the door, yank it open by its iron handle, and start running up the long stone stairs. The pain in my ankle is searing. It cuts through my entire foot, down to my veins. I'd swear it's bruised, if not broken. My whole body hurts. My stomach aches from Christiaan's kicks, my cheek from the blows, my head from all the misery, and my ankle from the fall. My body feels like one big bruise, sore and blue.

I push the door to the roof open. The door swings wide in the wind and slams against the wall.

Nora runs after me onto the roof. Once she's through the door, she grabs it, pushes it closed, and stands in front of it. In my peripheral vision, I see Nora using magic to force the lock.

The guards, who were right behind us, slam against the door.

'Now what?' I ask anxiously. I realize we have only a minute before the guards in the towers aim their guns and cannons at us.

 I realize we have only a minute before the guards in the towers aim their guns and cannons at us

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