-B2- Chapter 70

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The nymph looks at me amazed for the first time before a laugh escapes her mouth.

'Why would I?' she asks mockingly.

'I need the dark magic to perform the spell. If you connect Yin to me, the one who, according to the stories, had the most black magic, I can convert that magic into white magic during the spell because it manifests in me. This will weaken Yin since white magic will weaken its black magic,' I try to convince the woman and escape from the latest murders myself.

She stares at me, for what feels like minutes, with a neutral face.

'Yin will devour you completely, no matter how small the part is that we connect to you. That magic is too dark,' is the conclusion she eventually draws.

'Then connect just enough so that it doesn't happen.'

That remark is enough to make the nymph burst into laughter as if I've told her the best joke in ages.

'You really have no idea how strong these two fish are, huh?' she asks mockingly before taking another step towards the ice.

'No more than from the stories.'

'Which is funny since the spell you want to do was devised and attempted by them.' I fall silent as the woman turns in my direction.

'Do you have any idea how your fellow night riders came across that spell and why it was their last idea?' With my mouth shut, I shake my head.

'The moment it became clear that the king had set his sights on the night riders, there was talk of what that would mean. However, that was not a reason to think there was danger; after all, he could never succeed. That changed when the king began making proposals to the strongest magicians and even a few nymphs. One afternoon, a man came here with an offer of endless wealth, but that wasn't all. He promised us our humanity. Four nymphs agreed, and that was the moment it became clear that the king could have a chance. You can't kill a night rider if they are in full possession of their magic; they are not entirely human and thus immortal. However, the difference compared to other inhuman beings like sirens is that you are not human because of a curse or birth but because of magic. Take away that magic, and you take back humanity, making you killable. That's what Yin and Yang wanted.'

Her gaze turns to the two fish. I remain silent, listening to the new information.

'The creation of the night riders is based on the Narvik spells with which Yin and Yang wanted to connect themselves to the lifelines. We built it back then with the help of the pure magic the Blood Mountain gave us. It was impossible to connect all of you proportionally to all the lines, so we connected each of you to a small part with one main line.'

'I am connected to that line,' I fill in before she can continue her story.

She nods.

'The strongest line of all, as it was also Yin's main line. The only line still capable of carrying large amounts of black magic. The only one able to handle the latest version of the Narvik spell.'

That explanation makes me realize what she means, but this time I wait for her to say it herself.

'Your fellow night riders tried to purify the water as soon as it became clear it was poisoned. However, they turned out to be the source themselves. Before they found out, it was already too late to reverse it, if that was even possible. They had to find a way to ensure that the night riders could have a new generation before their complete magic disappeared. Begging for help, they stood here on the doorstep for the remnants of the old Narvik spells to get inspiration from. They adapted the spells to something feasible to execute without being completely consumed. However, it turned out to be a solution feasible for only one person.'

'For me.' The woman nods with a smile.

'For the night rider connected to the Bloodline, the only one who can carry so much black magic. The night riders knew from that moment that they were going to die because there was never enough time. Everything was about saving you, getting you to headquarters; everything was about you.' The woman takes a step towards me, her white eyes staring into mine.

'However, they forgot that the Bloodline is powered by Yin. Every murder you commit, every magic you receive, feeds Yin. That thin layer of ice you see was once as strong as the four night riders. The ice is melting.'

I am silent, letting the woman's words sink in. Something is not right about her story. If Nora, Viko, and Tristan had known that, and despite her accusation, I'm sure they did, they would never have done it. Yin and Yang are too dangerous to play a game like that.

Again, I let the words play on me until I fully realize it.

They want me as a source for a reason. A reason they never needed before.

If her story were true, Yin would weaken again the moment the spell succeeded. They wouldn't need a new and strong source because the black magic disappears the moment the spell succeeds.

She's lying.

What is different then? What did they use as the main source before the night riders fell apart?

Then the puzzle pieces fall into place.

The night riders. Our magic is their source.

Slowly, I take a step back towards the exit of the cave.

I need to get out of here, and I need to do it now.

'What can be done about that?' I ask the woman in an attempt to escape unnoticed.

'Nothing, we need you.'

I turn around in a quick motion and run out of the room with Yin and Hang, back into the room with the thousands of lights and into the castle.

My hand touches the stone wall again, from which a door to the outside should emerge. However, nothing happens.

'Celeste, it's not that simple. We need you.' Panic strikes my body.

I will never get away from here.

At least that's what I think until the wall suddenly starts moving, and I want to praise my magic. However, it's not the emptiness of the forest that I see and my magic that I'm proud of.

It's Alisha.

'Run, now.'


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