Chapter 33

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'Is that why you are here? Did you flee and lose your position because of it?' Novak asks with interest.

'Yes, you can describe it that way.' Again, Novak nods, as if what I am telling him is very logical. This information is of little use to him, although he may not realise it.

'Do you mind?' he continues with his questioning. Do I mind not being crown princess anymore? At first, yes. It's not as if I was looking forward to it all my youth. But it was what I was trained for. It felt like the only thing I had was taken away from me. Later, Christiaan became my main concern and I resigned myself to it.

'At the beginning, yes, but not any more,' I reply. Novak shifts his seat a little and seems to think for a moment.

'Myles is my twin brother. We are ten minutes apart. I sometimes thought when I was younger that it wasn't fair that he got the position. When I got older and found out I didn't fit in here I was glad he was faster.' I look at Novak in surprise. Slowly I learn more and more about him.

'Why don't you fit in here?' The further the conversation goes, the calmer I begin to get. It makes me forget the nightmare and become more comfortable with Novak's presence. He sighs deeply.

'I'm not one for a simple life. We live in a natural division of roles here. You just do what suits you best. I soon found out that nothing that this camp needs suits me. I am not a cook, a woodworker or a baker. I don't like to chase people's asses or impose things on them. As I got older, I started to resent that life more and more. The irritations ran high and I often had fights with my father. I'm more the one who wants to see the world, travel and discover cultures. I can't be in one place for long'. I find it very interesting to know more about him. He is the opposite of what I know and am. I admire his self-knowledge and the choices he has made for himself. A small smile appears on my lips and I nod.

My eyes slide to the window. Whereas a moment ago I thought it was deep in the night, now the sun is slowly beginning to rise. I have no idea how long I slept, it feels like a few hours at most. At the appearance of the little morning light, my body starts to move and my stomach starts to make noise.

Novak's eyes shoot to my stomach. I know from vampires that their hearing is fantastic. I know Novak can almost certainly hear my heartbeat and it scares me. He knows when I'm lying, when I'm relaxing and when I'm scared. He knows almost more about me than I do myself and I know the boy for a day. I can hardly comprehend that yesterday at this time I was still in that cursed castle. On the one hand it feels like I never left, on the other hand like I've been away for months.

'What time is it,' I ask cautiously. Novak hasn't moved since he sat down on the bed. He has his knees pressed against his chest and his arms wrapped around them, his head on his knees. He looks tired. At once a feeling of regret creeps up on me, I woke him up and kept him there. I should have let him go, controlled my nightmares or not even come here.

'It is half past six when I look at the sun.' I have no idea what time I woke up or how long we've been sitting here.

'Sorry,' I mumble guiltily. My eyes go to my broken nails. I've pulled them down to my skin from the tension.

'Sorry for what?' Surprised, I look at Novak. Isn't he angry that I kept him awake by my stupid questions? Isn't he angry that I made him tired? I keep picking at my nails as I gather the courage for an explanation.
'For...for keeping you awake,' I mumble. Novak pushes himself off the bed and stands next to it.

'I really don't care about that. I'm a vampire. Basically, I can go a month without sleep.' I look at him in surprise. A friendly smile has drawn his lips. I am surprised at how friendly this boy is, or is this normal?

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