Chapter 64

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I can hardly believe that I gave the lady on my chest her first orgasm. She is married. What did that man think he was doing?

On the one hand, I want to know what he did to her. On the other hand, I don't know if I should want to know. From her behaviour and stories, I could tell that he treated her in anything but an exemplary manner.

When I first met her, I did not expect that she would allow this after such a relatively short time. There is a zest for life in her. You can see from her behaviour that she is afraid. Yet she wants to get to know the world.

When I was told that she is the princess, my first reaction was to have prejudices. She must be selfish, spoilt and high in the head, that's what I thought.

My prejudices were not correct. Apart from her name, you don't notice in anything that she is the princess. Sometimes I even forget it.

Despite my prejudices, I decided to go with her. Something inside me told me that this would be an opportunity that I should not miss. Besides, I hate being in the same place for a long time. I am glad that I made this choice. There will never be such an opportunity again. Sometimes you have to take a chance, no matter how crazy or difficult, without knowing exactly where it will lead.

I have never been someone who could stay in one place for long. I have never been in love and certainly never had a relationship. I have seen the world and everything that comes with it. Short-sightedness does not suit me. I have done, used, drunk and eaten everything that was offered to me.

That did not always lead to what I expected. It taught me a lot and gave me a knowledge I would never want to trade.

Celeste lifts her head from my chest and looks at me with her expressive brown eyes. She smiles. I sweep a tuft of hair behind her ear.

'Do you hate being a vampire?' she asks softly. I smile and shake my head. She runs her fingers over my chest. Her eyes are focused on my skin.

'No I don't hate it but I'm not proud of it,' I clarify myself. She raises her head and looks at me questioningly.

'Because you have to hurt others?' she asks. I nod. I run my fingers over her bare back.

'I have no choice. I can't keep animal blood inside and nobody gives their blood away voluntarily. I have to hurt someone every month to stay alive myself. It feels selfish,' I reply. She smiles and makes circles with her fingers on my chest.

She is silent for a while and seems to be lost in her thoughts. Her eyes are focused on my skin.

'Can I see your teeth?' I look at her in surprise. The words leave her mouth so softly that I have to wonder if I heard her correctly. She doesn't look up. Her cheeks are red. I find her embarrassment cute.

'Can you repeat that?' I ask softly.

I put my fingers under her chin and lift her head. Those two brown eyes look at me uncertainly.

'Can I see your teeth? Your vampire teeth,' she repeats to herself. The discomfort drips from her posture. I run my fingers through her hair.

'Sure,' I reply. A smile appears on her lips. Her eyes slide over my face intently.

How little control I had over myself before, I have so much now. I put my lips together, close my eyes for a second and feel my fangs enlarge. The sharp points press against the inside of my lips.

I open my eyes. Celeste's two brown eyes look at me with interest. I pull my lips up, which leaves my teeth exposed.

Her eyes immediately enlarge at the sight. She visibly swallows, but doesn't seem startled. She lifts her fingers from my chest and brings them towards my lips. I do nothing, I only watch. I let her do it. Her fingers gently slide over my lips, something that makes my heartbeat accelerate.

'They are...big.' I start to laugh at her endearing reaction.

She removes her hands from my lips and looks at me with a smile. A remark appears in my mind that I am not going to say out loud. Her eyes look over my face with interest.

'Doesn't it hurt?' she asks. I shake my head.

'You bite your lip faster but other than that I don't feel anything.' She starts laughing. I retract my teeth again. Celeste puts her head on my chest and it's quiet for a while.

'How long do we want to stay here?' she asks softly. You can tell by her tone that she'd rather leave here than stay. I sigh deeply. We came here mainly because of the lack of food. Now that Asa is Alpha we can leave with more food than we can eat in weeks.

We were on our way to the Blood Mountain and I'm still not sure how we're going to get there. The fact that Celeste is wanted is not something that makes the journey easier either. There are so many facts that are holding us back in this journey. We haven't made much progress in over a month and it's about time we started hurrying.

'We have to start hurrying given the time we have. I think it's a good idea if you go back to the shop tomorrow to take the lady's class, we can use the knowledge. I'll talk to Asa tomorrow about what help he can give us and what he knows about getting into the Blood Mountain,' I suggest. Celeste nods. Her mind seems to wander. Her body tightens indicating that the thoughts she is having are not pleasant.

'What are you thinking?' I ask straightforwardly. She sighs and runs her fingers over my skin.

'I wonder how my little brother is doing.' I look at her in surprise. I was not aware of the fact that she has a little brother.

'What's his name?' I ask. My fingers slide softly through her hair.

'Elien.' Although I can't quite see her face, I know she doesn't have a happy expression. I want to ask her more about Elien, but she beats me to it.

'My father had chosen me as his victim. Now that I am gone, I am afraid that he will focus his attention on Elien.' I understand that she is worried. The king is capable of much, little good.

'We will go to the mountain as soon as possible so we can get him out of there.' She raises her head and looks at me. Her face is sad and happy at the same time.

'Thank you,' she says softly and briefly presses her lips to mine.

My stomach starts to tingle, a smile appears on my face and before I know it, I realise something. The lady lying on my chest, naked. The princess of infamous king and one of the last three Night Riders is the lady I am starting to develop feelings for.

 The princess of infamous king and one of the last three Night Riders is the lady I am starting to develop feelings for

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