-B2- Chapter 58

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At home, his lips feel like home. The moment they touch mine, the world around me blurs, some of my worries fade away, and the warmth of home envelops me like a thick blanket. It's a warmth I unconsciously missed more than I thought.

His unexpected action makes me place my hands behind my back on the mattress for support. However, he moves further onto the mattress, places his hand under my lower back, and pulls me flat onto the mattress.

We don't break the kiss, my arms wrapped around his neck, and our lips sliding against each other. Absorbing each other's warmth, the taste and sensation we've missed.

But as soon as his tongue seeks permission, I pull back. The memories, the images, fight their way back before Novak places a hand on my cheek.

'I'm not him, I'm not standing there.' The red eyes stare into mine before his lips gently find mine again. Slowly, my body and mind relax as I focus on the sensation.

This time, I allow him without hesitation as his tongue seeks permission, welcoming the taste. The warmth envelops me further like a blanket, my cheeks flush, my breathing quickens. My hands find his hair, my fingers entangling in the black strands.

Novak is the first to withdraw and push himself to sit in front of me. His black hair is tousled by my hands, his red eyes mixed with a look of lust and love.

'Can I take off the dress?' Although I should have seen or expected the question, I remain silent.

It's Novak, there's nothing he hasn't seen before, nothing unpleasant will happen, he won't hurt me.

'Yes,' I say hesitantly. I know he sees the doubt, but still, he gently removes the open dress from my body, revealing the black veins that are now more visible than ever. My arms, legs, back, and the beginning of my chest are covered in them.

I immediately draw my arms and legs in, trying to cover the reality. It's not a lack of trust or desire on my part, but an automatic response from the past few months.

Novak seems to ignore it, tosses the fabric on the floor, and bends his head to my belly after gently removing my hands from my legs. His lips find my skin and start kissing their way up. His lips glide lightly over my belly toward my breasts. My eyes slowly close, my hands resting in his black hair.

Unlike how he normally pays enough attention to my breasts, he kisses his way around them now, letting his nails gently stroke my ribcage.

Unnoticed, my breathing quickens, my hands grip his hair tighter, and I give Novak the opportunity to lie between my legs. He seizes the chance as his hands glide along my inner thighs.

Even though my eyes close, especially when his fingers teasingly slide along my inner thighs, relaxation seems like a daunting task. Guilt, lies, and thoughts continue to race through my head.

My muscles stiffen, my thoughts fly out the window, and my focus on his lips diminishes. My head takes over as if his skin doesn't touch mine.

'Are you okay?' he asks softly, looking up from my hips.

I remain silent for a moment before pushing myself up with a sigh.

'My head, it... it's a mess. The guilt... I'm so sorry... I...'

'Cel, do you trust me?' he asks as he pushes himself up a bit, sitting on his knees.

'Yes?' I ask, not understanding what he means, my arms wrapped around my body.

A smile appears on his lips. His fingers gently hook behind the fabric of my underwear and, with a bit of hesitation, pull it off my legs. I'm left naked on the mattress.

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