Chapter 65

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'Thank you again Asa,' says Novak as I grab the reins of my horse. I put myself right into the saddle and look at the two men. Asa pulls Novak into an embrace.

'Anytime. You are always welcome you know that. Just be careful.' Novak smiles at the Alpha and walks to his own horse.

'When I come back, I expect puppies,' Novak says as he climbs onto the horse. Asa starts to laugh. A small blush plays on his cheeks.

'We'll see,' he replies, running a hand through his black hair. Novak looks at me with a grin played on his lips. I roll my eyes and turn my attention to Asa.

'Thanks again Alpha.' Asa smiles.

'It is and always will be Asa to you, Maria,' he repeats as he has done dozens of times over the past few weeks. I nod.

'Thank you again Asa.' He smiles approvingly until the smile is wiped from his face within a second. His blue eyes have a worried look in them.

'What is it, Asa?' Novak asks in a decidedly less cheerful tone. He swallows, the Adam's apple in his whole moves. He straightens his blue blouse. The two blue eyes peg on the road ahead.

'Franders is here.' The breath seems to be knocked out of my lungs as if someone had hit my ribcage with a hammer. The panic that bubbles up in my body is indescribable. I want to run, scream and cry at the same time.

'Where?' Even in Novak's tone, fear is audible. His breathing is hurried, his voice hoarse. My hands tremble, letting the reins move back and forth in small movements.

'The gate. He wants to go inside to search the city.' My heart seems to be tucked away in the ground. This is the end, this is my end. I am a rat in a trap that will soon be buried under a stream of water. The images of torture and execution flash past my eyes like a fury. If he catches me, I will be taken from life with anything but a gentle hand. Christiaan will make sure I lead until my last breath.

'Can you refuse him?' Novak asks as calmly as possible. Asa slowly shakes his head. Although Asa has no knowledge of my title, he seems just as distraught by Christiaan's visit as I and Novak are. Novak's eyes shoot over the still quiet streets. The wolves walk the streets as if nothing is wrong.

'Asa I can't explain to you why, but please don't tell him we are or have been here. We need to get out of here and we need to get out now.' As Novak asks, Asa doesn't ask any questions, he just nods. His blue eyes had been focused on the road ahead since it was new. As soon as the two blue concerned eyes look in our direction I see just as much fear as in Novak's.

'You can't get out of town, not now. Franders is at the gate with an army. Every way out is blocked.' Being in the same city as Christiaan and his army is the last scenario I wanted to experience, but we have no choice. My head goes past every possible building we can hide in.

I know that Christiaan is not here to pay a social visit. He is here for me. He will comb every building to find any trace of my existence. I have spent enough time with him to understand his tactics.

'Hide in the main building. I need to get to the gate now before he starts asking questions I can't answer.' Asa gives us a final encouraging, but concerned, look. Novak nods before Asa starts walking towards the gate. I look at Novak with the feeling of agony running through my entire body.

'We need to get to the main building now.' Novak wants to get his horse moving until I shake my head. Slowly my head goes back and forth as my brain works overtime.

'That's the first place he's looking,' I say slowly. My voice trembles. It's so obvious that it couldn't possibly be the right place.

'Where then Celeste? We don't have time to go through and discuss every option.' Novak starts to panic. His voice gets louder and his posture tighter. Just as I'm about to throw in the towel something comes to mind.

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