Chapter 66

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Nailed to the floor, I listen to the bubbles clattering against the wood. The ceiling above us, which is actually the floor of the shop, creaks.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I would prefer to sink through the floor here and now. My hands are trembling. I automatically hold my breath.

Novak puts his arms around my waist. For a moment I am startled. If we hadn't been in such a precarious position, I'm sure Novak would have said something. His touch feels soothing, familiar.

I listen to the footsteps across the ceiling. I can hardly describe how scared I am. At the same time, I've never been so ready to wring Christiaan's neck. I am no longer the girl I was a few months ago. I know the other side and I will never let it go.

'Good afternoon gentlemen,' Nelly's voice sounds above us. Only then do I notice how noisy this place really is. I can hear her as if I were standing next to her.

'Good afternoon.' I'm relieved when I don't hear Christiaan's voice.

'How can I help you?' Nelly asks. Novak tightens his arms over my body. It almost feels as if he is trying to protect me.

The darkness gives no visibility, especially with the shutter closed. The only thing we can rely on are the sounds and smells around us. The musty spicy smell seems to be slowly rising to my head. The smell is heavy, musty and intoxicating. The longer we stand in this dark room, the more the smell of rotting food rises up through the herbs.

I practically jump to the other side of the room as soon as I feel something along my leg. The feeling of something fast and furry along my legs makes me conclude immediately that we are not alone here.

Novak has to hold me down to prevent me from making an unnecessary noise. My voice is taken away from me anyway as soon as the conversation above continues.

'We are looking for the crown princess madam. Have you seen a lady of nineteen with black hair, a black dress, brown eyes and a prosperous appearance?' a man's voice asks. There is no more discussion about whether she is looking for me or not.

'My apologies gentlemen, I haven't passed a lady of this description,' Nelly replies.

'She is lying.' My breath is knocked out of my lungs. Tears begin to sting my eyes, my body shakes. That voice, the voice I never hoped to hear again, the voice that sends shivers down my body. Even my boats seem to tremble, my blood to boil.

'Excuse me, Herr General Franders, I speak nothing but the truth,' is Nelly's voice. Two heavy shoes seem to stamp on the floor. I hold my breath, afraid to make even the slightest sound.

'A Mr Leonardes is preaching to you. He claims to have seen a lady of this description in your shop only yesterday,' Christiaan contradicts Nelly.

'Mister Leonardes must be confused mister general. My niece Eloise was here yesterday. She has black hair and her preference is for black clothes. I can assure you that she is not the lady you are looking for. Unfortunately, she does not have a wealthy background and is not the crown princess,' Nelly tried to lie her way out of the conversation.

'And where may your niece be now?'

'She is travelling, searching for her mate lord general. She left this morning to continue her journey.' I so hope that Nelly's story contains a grain of truth. I don't want to imagine what will happen when Christiaan finds out that she is lying.

'Is there anyone who can confirm your story,' Christiaan's voice says. Novak hasn't moved since Christiaan entered the shop, especially not me.

'Alfa Asa will be able to confirm Eloise's visit, sir. She is a beloved guest of the family.' I have to hand it to Nelly that she has her story ready quickly and well.

'I will ask him for confirmation. Still, I want to take a better look at your shop before I leave.' I take Novak's hand and squeeze it hard.

'Go ahead sir general.' Christiaan's heavy shoes echo in the creaking wood. The footsteps grow louder. The ceiling above us moves.

'You won't mind if I take this one?' From the sound of the voice, it must be Christiaan standing above us. I could swear I hear his breathing.

'Certainly not Sir General,' Nelly replies. I don't know exactly what the conversation is about, but I dare to conclude that Christiaan is taking something without giving anything for it.

'Do you have any other rooms?' Christiaan asks.

'An attic. You'll find the hatch on the right side of the shop sir.' The footsteps stomp across the wooden floor again, this time away from us. I carefully let out my bated breath through my nostrils.

No more words are spoken. The only thing I hear is the opening of a hatch, feet stamping on the floor and pots being pushed aside. The hatch seems to close again after a few minutes. The footsteps sound further away from us.

'If you pass another lady matching the description you are hereby obliged to report it.' Nelly will not be the only one to hear this order. How we are ever going to make our way out of this village is a mystery to me.

'I will certainly do that, sir, thank you for your visit.' With these words, the sound of the bells on the door reverberates through the shop. The sound of the door slamming into the lock seems to be the sign that we have survived this situation.

Slowly, Novak takes his arms away from me. I blow out my breath and feel something wet run down my cheek. As soon as I run my hand over my cheek, I realise that I am crying. How we are ever going to get out of here, I don't know. How long Christiaan will be here, I don't know. Whether Nelly's story will hold up, I don't know. The only thing I know for sure is that mine, Novak's and now Nelly's life will be over as soon as Christiaan finds out the truth.

 The only thing I know for sure is that mine, Novak's and now Nelly's life will be over as soon as Christiaan finds out the truth

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