Chapter 24

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As soon as my eyes slowly open I am for a moment confused about the situation, not knowing where I am. As soon as my eyes fall on the burning fire in the fireplace I seem to remember where I am. I don't know how long I slept, but it was certainly one of the best times in months. I wouldn't say the pain in my body has disappeared, it has subsided somewhat.

I rub my dry eyes once and run a hand through my tangled hair. A sigh rolls over my lips, before I shake off the blanket. I seemed to have almost forgotten that I was lying in this neat bed in a dirty dress, not that I had a choice. I guess this room doesn't have a closet full of clothes for lost visitors. We will have to make do with this.

I slowly swing my legs off the bed. The bandage Novak has tied around my ankle is still in place.

A little afraid, to stand up, I put my feet on the floor. I want to leave here, it's been enough. I have a job to do and I won't be able to do it here, and I'm not far enough from the castle. I don't yet know how I'm going to get out of here unnoticed, but it's worth a try.

I get up from the bed, mainly supporting myself on my good ankle. Carefully I try to put my sore ankle on the floor and lean on it. To my surprise, it hurts less than it did an hour ago. Cautiously I try to take a step.

Immediately, the pain in my ankle seems to make its return. I stagger to my feet and reach for the wall beside me. With my right hand on the white wall and my sore ankle in the air, I wonder how I am going to get out of this room. 

I close my eyes for a second to bite through the throbbing pain, put my sore ankle back on the floor and take the next step. With the little support of the wall, I stumble a metre across the room. I begin to wonder if getting away is such a good idea, if it will work at all. My thoughts slide back to Nora's lifeless body in the grass, giving me more motivation to take the next step.

I'm so preoccupied with being able to walk that I don't realise that the wall next to me stops and turns into a window. I almost trip over my own feet before I can grab the window frame.

With my heart pounding in my throat, I look out through the window. My eyes roam over the dark forest, lit by a few lanterns and fires. Here and there, I assume, are vampires. It seems to be the centre of the camp. Around the plain are houses and tents, lit here and there. In the middle of the field a large fire burns, surrounded by tree trunks and vampires. It has a friendly and sociable atmosphere, something I am not used to.

For a moment, I enjoy the view, sinking into the friendly feeling it gives me. I wish I had grown up in something like this, a bit of security and cosiness. I know nothing but the castle and the few people I met with my flights. There was no talk or time for pleasant conversation, it was about nothing but achieving goals. I cherish the few conversations I had with my mother about the smallest things, even if it was only about a painting on the wall.

A sigh slips across my lips as I try to push the thought aside. I avert my gaze from the clearing and focus on my stumbling. With another step, I come closer to the door. With a few steps, the pain seems both worse and easier to bear, as if I am getting used to it.

With a few steps, I am standing at the wooden door. The door is made of a dark wood and has a few notches on the sides. The notches are like rose bushes climbing up a wall.

My hand goes to the silver door handle and pushes it down. I pull the door open slowly, hoping it won't creak too much. My hopes seem to be answered when the door slides open almost soundlessly. I take a few steps back, pull the door open further and walk out of the room.

I end up in a corridor filled with doors. The floor is covered with the same dark wood, the walls with red bricks. Nameplates hang from the doors. Bathroom, study, library and many others to which my eye cannot reach. The corridor is empty and silent. As far as the eye can see, there is nothing or nobody to see.

As best I can, I stumble across the empty corridor towards the stairs, as silently as I can. The staircase is gigantic, both in length and width. I almost hold my breath in excitement as I place my foot on the first step. With my eyes darting around me, I walk down the stairs. There doesn't seem to be anyone on the bottom floor. I blow out my bated breath as my last foot hits the stone floor.

'Madam.' As if stung by a wasp, I turn towards the voice. My heart is pounding in my throat. I look at the blonde woman. She looks like a servant. Her long cream-coloured dress, the white apron around her waist and her hair in a bun give her the typical look. Unlike the servants I know, she looks cheerful and healthy. I feel caught and have the urge to run away.

'Do you feel better already? Do you need anything?' I am surprised at the polite question. She says it with concern and genuine interest, something I don't seem to know anymore. I am staring at the lady with my mouth full of teeth. I am so surprised by her questions that I don't know what to say. She keeps staring at me, waiting for an answer.

',' I mumble, my eyes fixed on the ground. The lady nods her head, smiling kindly.

'I think you were looking for Men.... Novak. I will take you to him.' The fact that she improves herself halfway to her liking surprises me. I am surprised that the lady wanted to call Novak 'sir', he did not give the impression of someone with high standards. I wonder what the order of precedence in this camp is, what Novak is. However, I do not have the time to find out.

I want to contradict the lady and leave but I don't get the chance.

'Follow me,' the lady says and starts walking in front of me. I feel too uncomfortable to just walk away and ignore the lady's good intention. Reluctantly and with some discomfort I stumble after the lady.

We walk out through the door of the large building. The cold of the evening hits my bare legs, something I haven't felt for half a year. I have not been outside in the past six months, apart from the few walks with Elien. Those walks were always in daylight.

Vampires walk past us here and there. A few drop their eyes on us, stare for a while and then turn their gaze away. Everyone seems to be minding their own business and paying little attention to what others are doing. Those outside have cups in their hands with something resembling wine. Most of the vampires are standing around the large campfire in the middle, talking to each other.

The lady stops walking abruptly and looks at me kindly.

'Novak is sitting by the tree.' She points with her hand towards the dark edge of the forest. If you look closely, you can see someone sitting against a tree. The lady makes a small bow and walks away. I want to thank her, but am already too late.

I stare ahead in doubt, not knowing whether I should go to Novak or not. I could get away unseen but I honestly have no idea where to go and how.

 I could get away unseen but I honestly have no idea where to go and how

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