Chapter 51

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The evening is festive. There are people dancing everywhere, drinks are plentiful and there is enough food to feed two more packs. Although the mood is festive, I do not feel in the party mood. The events of the castle keep playing in my head like a fly that keeps buzzing around your head. I see Nora's lifeless body lying in the grass, crucified on the cross after they found her and mutilated for pure mockery. The image continues to haunt me and makes me nauseous.

'May I have this dance?' A friendly-looking boy asks, bringing me out of my thoughts. His blond hair has been neatly pulled back with gel. His blue eyes look at me kindly. Although the boy looks friendly, I shake my head.

'No, sorry I'm expected somewhere,' I lie my way out of the situation. The boy nods understandingly.

'Too bad, another time,' he says kindly before walking over to the next girl. I roll my eyes and put my half-full wine glass on the table beside me. I want to make my way to the main building to find my bed. We've had enough for today. Our arrival was busier than I had anticipated. Unfortunately, peace and quiet are not yet given to me, as if they once were.

'Miss Maria, can I speak to you?' I turn around in surprise when I hear the voice of the former Alfa, Troy, behind me. The slightly older man is standing with a beer glass in his hands, looking at me in his blue eyes. His clothes are the same as they were at the ceremony. I quickly bend my knees and bow my head to show respect.

'Alpha,' I say before putting myself back on my feet. The man smiles slightly and then walks more in my direction. He comes to stand next to me and looks in the same direction as me.

'When I first saw you together with Novak, I didn't know where to put your face. You looked familiar to me, but I didn't know from where.
Now I have placed where your face is so familiar to me.' My heartbeat slams into my throat, my breathing quickens. I try not to move a finger and wait as calmly as possible to hear what the man is going to tell me. It is never a good sign when people find out my real origins. Still, his attitude does not make me think he will kill me or hand me over to my father.

'I shocked when I could finally place your face. My first instinct was to cut your throat with my nails.' My eyes widened and my breathing stopped. If he were to make that decision I would not be able to do anything about it, he is many times stronger than I am. Besides, I'm in a werewolf pack.

'Then I remembered your mother. She came to visit me once when I had just become Alpha. She was a sweet woman, very kind and patient.' Novak's father also said this. Maybe my mother will save my life for the second time.

'I met your father once as well, which was a bit less pleasant, to say the least. The whole world hates your father, would rather have him dead. I am one of them.' The man turns more towards me and looks deep into my eyes.

'Listen carefully to this advice. I know who your mother was, I have seen the picture of your wedding and I am old enough to know when someone is dangerous or not. If one of the wolves finds out your real identity there is nothing I can do for you. They want you dead and I am not able to stop them. Take care.' I swallow visibly. He is right. I am a fugitive from my own home and from the rest of the world. He tells me something I already knew, something several people have told me before, yet every time it is the truth that slaps you in the face.

'Thank you,' I reply and bow again. The man merely nods his head and then walks away at a leisurely pace. I blow out my bated breath. So far, it has always been my mother's kindness and the terrible photo in the newspapers of my marriage that have saved me. Now that I think back to that picture I am disgusted by everything that happened that day, especially the night. You could say I was traumatised by that night, one I've never spoken to anyone about.

The conversation with Troy took me out of my stride. I remember after seeing a few drunken people stumble by, I made my way to the bedroom. Where Novak is is still unclear to me. I haven't spoken to him or seen him since he left when I went to get dressed. Whatever, he'll show up. I look over the partying people one last time before I make my way to the main building.

Here and there, I see two people kissing against a tree. Their hands are intertwined on each other's bodies, eyes closed and completely in their own world. I don't even consider kissing to be something pleasant. I always thought it was gross, a wet cloth in your mouth. I never understood what you were supposed to find pleasant about it. It was wet, tasted like alcohol and moved along your teeth like a living fish. The thought disgusts me.
I walk into the main building and don't even look around to see if I see Novak anywhere.

Fortunately, I can still remember the way through the huge building. I walk up the stairs, turn a few corners and see mine and Novak's room come into view. I hope the door is open and no key is needed to enter the room. My black heels bring me to the door. I put my hand on the doorknob and open it.

That did not turn out to be a good decision. The moment the room comes into my view, I pull the door shut behind me as quickly as possible. My heart is pounding in my throat and my eyes have taken on the size of a coffee cup.

I like Novak a nice boy but that didn't mean I wanted to get acquainted with his naked body already. Apparently he was changing his clothes the moment I opened the door. Fortunately, I didn't have long to look at the contents of his trousers, not that I wanted to.

 Fortunately, I didn't have long to look at the contents of his trousers, not that I wanted to

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