Book 1 Feedback page

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Heyy all,

I'm hard at work in the process of improving book 1 (Black Blood) and I'm always looking for feedback, both positive and tips.

Many of you give feedback per chapter in the comments, for which I am very grateful. However, it is more convenient for me to have it in one place so hence this chapter.

If you want to give feedback please leave it in this chapter. To give you an example, here are some questions you can answer:

-What did you like best about Black Blood?

-Which event grabbed you the most?

-What is your favourite character and why?

-In what way did this book make you think or give you new insights?

-Overall, what would you say were the strengths of the book?

-Were there any aspects of the book's plot that you found confusing or lacking in depth, if so what were these?

-Were there any parts of the book where you felt the pacing was too slow or too rushed, if so what were these?

-Were there any unresolved plot points or loose ends that left you feeling unsatisfied, if so what were these?

-Overall, what would you say were the weaknesses of the book, and do you think it could be improved in any particular way?

Just make sure I can do something with the feedback so "I don't like this" without explanation is of no use to me. Also feedback about me checking the spelling and grammar doesn't have to be posted here, I'm working on it.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would like to leave feedback and thanks in advance!

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