Chapter 39

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I nod in understanding. I can imagine myself in the man's thoughts. My name has a curse on it, my husband is known for his cruelty. I am anything but wanted and I cannot be angry about it. After what happened to his wife, I am already grateful that I am allowed to stay here one more night. It gives me time to think about where I am going.

The man gives a final nod of his head. I want to turn around and walk away, then I see that Novak has disappeared. I have no idea how long he has been gone, but it makes me feel disappointed. Novak is the first man who ever treated me with respect and I am grateful for that. I want to walk away, but am stopped.

'Celeste.' I turn back to the mayor and look at him questioningly.

'Do you know what they did to Loreen, my wife?' I sigh and try to think of what they do to so-called traitors. I cannot and will not tell this man the truth. I can't tell him that they probably used her first as a plaything for a few weeks and then brutally and slowly murdered her.

'Hanged immediately,' is my lie. The man nods, with a slightly relieved expression on his face. I want to walk out the door again, but am stopped again.

'I say this because you and the two last remaining night riders are the only hope of stopping the king, not because of your title. I advise you against flying, the dawn has dragons looking for you. Be careful.' I had thought about this myself, but was unaware of the dawn's quest, in the castle no one told me anything. Keeping Rave on the ground will slow me down enormously but there is no other option.

I nod gratefully and walk out the door.


I put the bread, water and medicine in the bag. The mayor was kind enough to give me a few basic things before I left. I have enough food for a week, water for two days, medicines to remedy the simplest misfortune and a bag. In an hour's time, I will be on my way into the forest and still have no idea where to go.

After leaving the office yesterday, I sat in the grass with Rave for a long time, trying to think of a plan. All I've come up with is to go to the Andes, the only place I can think of where Viko and Tristan could possibly be. I can't fly so will have to walk, something that might take me months. I hope to find or buy a horse along the way. What idiot goes on a trip without a plan? Apparently, I do.

I have not seen Novak since the conversation in the office. I would have liked to thank him for my departure but I don't feel that he needs to. After I left Rave during the sunset, I grabbed something to eat and went to sleep, not exchanging a single word with anyone. I felt the eyes of every vampire burning on my skin, as if they knew everything about me and wanted to wring my neck. I am startled by a knock on the door.

'Inside.' I quickly stuff my water bottle into the bag and zip it up. I turn around and look in surprise at Sara in the doorway. She has a white dress hanging over her arm, her blonde hair hanging over her shoulders and she smiles small.

'Your Highness.' She makes a small bow. I stand looking at her in amazement, not knowing how to react. I may bear the name, but I haven't had the title for a long time.

'Stop.' Sara stands up straight and looks at me in surprise. I take a step closer to her.

'I haven't had that title in a while, call me Celeste.' A small smile plays on Sara's lips, she nods her head approvingly.

'I have a dress for you.' She takes a slightly shy step in my direction. The black dress in her hands looks simple but beautiful. She holds it out to me. I gratefully accept it and run my fingers over the silk-looking fabric.

'If I had known you were the Crown Princess I wouldn't have been so rude in the kitchen. Sorry. Myles only just told me.' I stop her rattling by raising my hand.

'I said stop. I may have been the crown princess once, now I'm nothing more than a fugitive.' Sara looks at me in surprise. She folds her hands in front of her stomach.

'If you'll excuse me, I'll just put the dress on in the bathroom.' Sara nods and smiles small, clearly uncomfortable. I walk into the bathroom and close the door. I'm still wearing the clothes Novak gave me, they're comfortable.

I take off the clothes and get into the black dress. Although trousers are comfortable, a dress is what I feel at home in, something I have been used to since childhood. I try to pull the strings on my back myself, but my shoulder is resisting me again. A sigh leaves my lips in irritation. I look around me and search in my head for a way to close the strings.

'Does it fit?' As if in a flashback, I hear Sara talking on the other side of the door. I sigh and realise that I have no other choice, I'm not going to manage this myself. I open the door and walk out of the bathroom. Sara's eyes glide over my body. When a man does that, I quickly feel uncomfortable, not so with women. I don't think I'll ever trust men completely, especially not with my body.

'Will you help me with the strings?' I ask a little uneasily.

'Yeah sure.' She pulls the strings firmly, but not too firmly

'Can I ask you something?' Sara asks softly. I turn to her and nod my head.

'Are you the wife of General Franders?' By now I am used to the term wife, but it will never feel like that. My mother had stories about what it was like to be a married woman, back in the days when my father was still a reasonable man. All I have experienced with Christiaan is nothing like that, no love, no friendship, just lust on his part.

'Yes,' is my unwilling answer. In addition to having the title of crown princess and night rider, I also have this unwilling title, something that works against me. Her eyes widen, she looks at the floor.

'Is he everyone says?' She leaves out the word cruel, but I know that's what she actually meant.

'Yes.' I look up startled when I hear a knock. Myles is leaning in the doorway, looking at us inquisitively.

'I knew I recognised you from somewhere.' I look down at the floor and take the fabric of the dress in my hands. The fabric feels like a blend of silk and cotton, not heavy, but not light again either. The bodice is tight around my chest, has some embellishments of lace. Myles takes a step towards me, lets his eyes slide over my body.

'We have a last farewell gift for you.' Surprised, I look at him. A grin plays on his lips, clearly amused at my reaction.

'Come, it's outside,' he says.

'Come, it's outside,' he says

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