Chapter 40

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I nod, quickly grab my bag from the bed and look around the room for the last time. I hold the bag in my hand and follow Myles and Sara into the corridor, down the stairs and out the door.

Somehow I hope Novak is standing there, just because I want to thank him for his help. I didn't dare to ask anyone where he went. There's a good chance that after revealing my real name, he will never want to see me again, will hate me. I don't blame him, I even understand. I think I have to realise that I will never see Novak again.

As soon as we walk onto the field in front of the big building, I see my present. A beautiful black horse is standing in the middle of the field. Timon is holding the reins, looking in our direction with a grin on his lips. A broad smile leaps onto my face and I cannot put into words how grateful I am. A horse will speed up my way so much, gives me more space. Surprised, I turn to Myles. A mixture of a grin and a smile has settled on his lips.

'I want to introduce you to Bles, your new travelling companion,' says Myles. We stop walking as soon as we are in front of the beautiful animal. His mane is black, slightly braided. His skin is black and even. On its back is a dark brown saddle. I put my hand on the horse's neck and run my fingers over its skin.
'He may look cute but he can be a pain in your ass.' Myles starts laughing at Timon's peculiar remark, I stand there amazed.

'Are you talking about Bles or Novak?' I can't hold back a small smile as soon as Myles makes that remark. Timon and Sara start laughing harder.

'Have you ever looked at Novak? He's not necessarily cute,' Timon laughs in return. The laughter over Novak's appearance brings me to the question of where he is.

'Uuhm about Novak, where is he? I would like to thank him.' Slowly the laughter around me stops, the three pairs of eyes are pinned on me. Myles puts his hands in his pockets, sighs deeply.

'Not a clue. Novak has the irritating habit of travelling without notice. Sometimes he's suddenly gone and you don't see him for six months. I haven't seen him since yesterday so I guess he left again,' Myles says. I nod, slightly disappointed. I'll never admit that I hate not being able to say goodbye, but that's how it feels. I would have liked to give him an explanation for my lies, thank him for his help and patience.

'Will you thank him when he gets back?' I ask a little shyly. Immediately the three vampires in front of me nod.

Who knows how far I will get, whether I will ever return here. The way things look now, I don't think I'll live long, with luck I'll make it next week. I look at Bles in front of me. The horse seems to be staring calmly ahead into the forest, the place we are about to disappear into.

I pat the animal on its neck and then put my foot in the footrest. My black heels have gone to their resting place; I am wearing nothing more than a pair of discarded servants' shoes. I push myself off the ground and turn myself onto the saddle. I take the reins in my hands and look at the three vampires beside me.

Sara smiles and hands me my bag. I hang the thing over my back and put the skirt of the dress behind me. There is something about this situation that I don't quite understand.

'Why are you helping me?' I ask with genuine curiosity. They know my name, my origins and what happened to Myles' mother. Why would they help the daughter and wife of a murderer? I can't put my finger on it, but I'm certainly grateful. My eyes glide past the three vampires. Myles smiles small, folds his arms and looks at me.

'Novak may be an oddball, but he has a good taste in good and evil. From the moment you arrived here on that dragon something changed in him. Novak never interferes with the decisions a leader makes, especially not with visitors. When he arrived, he was the first to see you, to make the effort to approach the dragon and help you. You may be who you are, but I rely on my brother's intuition. He trusted you from moment one and you have given no real reason to betray that trust.' Novak is certainly an oddball, one I understand little about. I don't understand why the trust of the three for me has not yet been betrayed, Novak probably thinks otherwise. I have lied about everything from the moment I arrived here.

'I lied to you, Novak has left since he knows.' I see a grin appear on Timon's face. Timon wants to open his mouth but is stopped by Myles.

'Don't take it too personally. Novak is complicated. If I was in your position I would have lied too.' I smile small and nod my head.

'Thanks for your help,' I say excitedly. They smile. Myles takes Sara by the hips and pulls her against him. She presses her head into his chest and smiles broadly. Unwillingly, I start to smile at the scene, it's a small gesture of affection.

'Clingy,' Timon says a little too loudly. I start laughing, Myles looks annoyed and Sara chuckles.

'It's time to go,' says Myles. I look ahead into the big forest, a sigh leaves my lips. The journey ahead of me is long, lonely and dangerous. I have no idea what I will encounter. The only thing I know for sure is that it will not be easy. My only goal is to find Tristan and Viko before it is too late. I'm dreading it, especially the ignorance. I take another look at the vampires next to me, they are smiling kindly.

'Thank you again.' Fair is fair, I'm stalling for time. All the knowledge I possess comes from books, nothing from practice. Everything is to my disadvantage, something that doesn't help my chances.

'Be careful,' Sara says. Myles nods and Timon smiles. That's when I grab the horse's reins, give it a good tug and put my feet firmly on the supports. I look at the vampires next to me one last time, give them a smile.

The horse sets its legs in motion. Immediately, he turns into a full gallop, shoots down the plain. Before I disappear into the forest, in the corner of my eye I see the mayor standing there. His hands are folded, his eyes follow me. He gives a nod with his head and something in me says that I will remember that little movement forever.

I whistle on my fingers, the sign for Rave to follow me. His paws start moving, he runs after me. We shoot into the forest, the sun disappearing behind the dense trees. I know how big this forest is. To get to the other side I have to drive for six hours, with luck I will make it before dark. In a forest full of ghosts and dark creatures I would prefer not to stay at night, especially not alone.

The first few minutes and metres shoot by as I start to sink into my thoughts. All I can see are the trees that shoot past me. The wind slips through my hair. The only sound is Bles' hooves on the ground.

'Celeste!' Startled, I automatically pull on the horse's reins. He rears up from my unexpected movement. I manage to brace myself just in time and keep myself in the saddle. Bles comes to a standstill on his four legs, me with my heart in my throat. I turn my head, confused, towards the source of the sound.

Confused, I look at the approaching horse and the boy on its back. His long black coat is sliding along in the wind, his dark blond hair blowing along his face. Before I can realise what is happening, the horse comes to a stop next to me, its blue eyes fixed on my face and a grin playing around his pale pink lips.

'I'm always up for an adventure, where are we going?'

'I'm always up for an adventure, where are we going?'

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