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*Drake's POV*

We got home from work, and Myra made something to try out for the cafe for dinner. It was some type of chowder, but she put it in sour dough bread bowls. And let me tell you what, living in her house is going to make me work out more than I already do, or I'm going to gain at least 30lbs being here.

Myra bathed Layton, gave him a bed time snack, read him a story, and put him to bed. And all of that was after she cleaned the entire kitchen and living room. This woman, really does too much.

But then, I noticed she dissappeared.

Jord and I were in our room, I was working on my hotel plan, because my mom told me she would have a good possibility of killing me if it wasn't done, and he was almost asleep when his phone started going off.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hey, what's the matter? -- Yeah, just, send me your address. -- Don't apologize, I'm happy you called, I'll be right there, ok?"

"Everything alright?" I gave him a look.

"Uh, that was Marty. She's having a bad day, and asked me I'd come stay with her because she's feeling, tempted." He nodded. "She called me." He let out a small smile.

"Because she trusts you." I nodded. "Go."

"I, will see you at work in the morning. Keys?" He held his hand out.

I grabbed my keys off my endstand and just tossed them. Then a strip of condoms. "These too."

"Always having my back. Don't know anyone in their right mind who would want a baby right now." He shook his head.

"Aye." Nate looked through our door way. "I heard that." He nodded.

"You and Myra don't count." Jord pointed at him. "You two are actual adults."

"And you're a grown ass toddler." He laughed.

"Exactly." Jord smiled. "I will see you guys at work." He nodded and walked out.

"Are you drinking wine?" I shook my head.

"it's for Myra." Nate shook his head. "She just filled out Laytons pre-school registration. And now she's folding laundry."

"And the extra glass?" I gave him a look.

"Figured you could take it to her." He smiled.

"Are you guys going to stop pushing?" I shook my head.

"No ones pushing, but, I know you want to ask about Casey." He nodded.

"That's pushing." I nodded. "Hasn't even been a week."

"But would it really be so bad if something happened between the two of you." He shrugged.

"Too soon, yes." I nodded. "Nate I can't chase her. I can't do that. She has to want me." I shook my head. "I'm not moving in. If she wants me, then it's on her. But, I can set myself up to have my heart broken again."

"So is this you admitting you're here to see if there is another chance?" He raised his eyebrows.

"This is me saying I'd be open to it if it's what she wants." I nodded. "But no one can make that decision for her, no one can push her, it has to be her."

"And Layton." He pursed his lips.

"What about him?"

"They're a package deal." He nodded.

I sighed. "Have you met that kid?" I shook my head. "I don't a know a single person who has, and doesn't wanna be a part of his life. Regardless of what happens."

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