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*Layton's POV*

It's 8:30, and I didn't sleep last night.

Riley tried her hardest to help me fall asleep, massage, soothing music, putting my favorite sleep show on the tv, running her hands through my hair, all the things that typically work. But nothing did.

So when I rolled out of bed an hour ago leaving Riley to sleep, I did the one thing I knew would help.

Called someone to talk to about it without putting more stress on mom, because I know it's stressing her out, and dad needs to focus on mom breaking. I know it's killing her, and I feel terrible about it. But I need to do this.

I was in the kitchen when the front door opened quietly and closed, to Uncle J walking in to the kitchen with baby Delilah tucked in to his arms.

Baby Delilah was born 6 months ago, and she's so incredibly beautiful. She's the perfect mix of him and Aunt Marty, and named after both Aunt Lilah, and mom with her middle name being Anne.

"Hey buddy." He smiled and sat in the stool next to me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know if you'd have Delilah."

"Eh, I wanted Aunt Marty to sleep this morning, she was up all night." He handed her to me. "What's up kiddo?"

I sighed and tickled her cheek. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "I figured that was the reason you called, do you want to talk in here, or outside?"

"Outside." I nodded.

"Come on." He motioned toward the back door.

We headed outside and went to the swing dad had built for mom right over the side of the cliff overlooking the town.

"You alright?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Have mom and dad told you everything about Ryan?"

He nodded. "For the past 3 years, yeah."

"I'm meeting him in 2 hours." I nodded.

"Yeah, I know."

"I know I wanted it. But I don't know what to say to him." I shook my head. "What I should say."

He pursed his lips and nodded. "Whatever ever you want to. Layton you have every right to feel the way you do about him, and voice them. Uncle Will is going to make sure you get to do that. You have questions, you're allowed to ask him. And no one would blame you for lighting his ass up with everything you think about him. Ask your questions, say what you feel, say what comes to your mind. But don't stop until you get what you need. Don't think you need to suppress those things for his comfort. He should feel uncomfortable, and he should hear what you have to say." He rubbed my back.

I took a deep breath. "What about mom?"

He gave me a small smile. "Mom has been preparing for this day for 16 years. Mom has been through a lot in her life, hospitalized and heart broken by someone she never expected. Losing 2 best friends in a 3-month span. Getting shot, and re-learning how to walk all in 6 months. She won a golden gloves match with a bullet in her ribs. And you. She raised you alone for 3 years. Your mom is the strongest person I know. A conversation for your wellbeing, is not going to break her." He shook his head. "But if it'll help you, I will stay, sit with your mom and dad, help her. If you need me, just yell. I'll be there, ok?"

I pursed my lips and nodded. "Thank you." I laid my head on his shoulders.

"Riles is going to stay with you, right?"

I nodded.

"Hunter and Harley?"

"Uncle Rice and Uncle Car are home. They're going to come pick them up and spend the day with them after they see if Ryan is an asshole when he gets here. Harley being Harley and all."

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