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*Drake's POV*

Holy fuck, I'm getting married today.

I'm at the church, I'm dressed and ready, and for some reason, I'm sitting outside looking at the sky.

"He's here you know." Dad sat down on this bench with me, Bruce on the other side, Riken squatting on the ground in front of me. Mitch and both moms standing behind him.

I sighed. "I know he is." I nodded.

"And, he'd be really proud of you." My mom gave me a small smile. "Both of them."

"Pap loved her. I know he'd be happy." I looked around. "Now, why does this feel like an intervention, and why the hell do you have your camera?"

"Because." Sheila opened her clutch and pulled out an envelope. "We wanted to give you this before we went and talked to Myra."

I perked up and looked at Mitch and Riken. "Have you seen her yet?"

"We're going after we're done here." Riken nodded.

"Oh." I sighed. "Uh, I thought gifts were for the reception?"

"This isn't a gift, and it's not from us." Bruce shook his head as Sheila handed me the envelope.

"Read it out loud baby." Mom smiled.

I took a deep breath, opened the envelope, and pulled out a piece of paper.

I cleared my throat.

"To the man who is-" I pursed my lips and paused.

Well fuck.

"Read it." Bruce pat my back.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath.

"To the man who is marrying my Sunshine.

I am sitting in this hospital bed, writing this with tears in my eyes knowing that some day, my beautiful grand daughter is getting married.

Today is someday.

And I am incredibly happy for you.

I know you're a good man, because if you weren't my daughter would never allow you to give Myrabelle your last name. So if you're reading this, congratulations, you have the approval of the second scariest woman I have ever met, only second to my wife.

I always pictured myself on this day, hugging my girl, shaking your hand, giving you this advice in person, but this will have to do.

These are my 3 keys to a long-lasting happy life with the woman you're about to promise yourself to forever. So please, take them to heart.

One. No matter what is said, it is never you against your wife. It's you two against the problem. Always be each other's teammate, never the opposing team.

Two. Never go to bed angry. You will wake up feeling worse than you did when you went to bed. And life is too short to be angry with the person you love when a few kind words, a conversation, and an apology can solve a whole lot.

And three. Never stop dating. Treat each other how you did in the beginning, always stay in the honey moon phase, and remember no matter what, this is the person you chose to be with for a reason. Never forget those reasons.

Now, I wrote Myra a letter similar to this, but, this one is different.

Because I also have some things to ask of you.

I have watched this woman grow, and she is an amazing person. So full of fire and light, pride, and selflessness, love and patience.

All of those things that make her her, please never let her lose them.

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