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*Drake's POV*

I know how much it took for her to actually tell Layton.

So points for Myra today.

But for now, Layton and I are currently making our way in to her room since the guys already left for work.

We both walked in and plopped belly first on to her bed.

"Can, I help the 2 of you?"

We both folded out hands and smiled.

"As you know, I was told to spend the day buying clothes for work." I nodded.

"Yes, and, I have to go to work. And this little man." She spun and kissed the top of Layton's head. "Is going to go to Nonnie Mary's."

"Or, we've been thinking." I pursed my lips.

"Mama, I go with Dake?" Layton pouted.

She sighed. "Buddy, he's got to do stuff for work." She nodded.

"I'm buying clothes Myra. He asked Monday if he could come back to the office with me, and I told him some day he could. And well, what better day to take him to work with me when I'm working at the mall." I smiled.

"Are you two plotting?" She raised her eyebrows.

"No." I shook my head. "We'll go shopping, we'll get lunch, maybe come see Mama?"

"Please Mama?" Layton smiled.

She smiled and shook her head. "Alright. But do not let him out of your sight Drake."

"Myra, I have a niece, a little sister, and a god daughter." I nodded.

"Poof why don't you go get dressed, and make sure your socks match." She kissed his cheek.

Now every time she sends him somewhere else, I get nervous, because I don't know if she's mad and I crossed a line.

"OK." He smiled, jumped off her bed, and ran out of the room.

"Is this a you're mad at me you're gonna yell 'Layton go get dressed' or something different?"

"Bee's, oranges, walnuts, and penicillin." She nodded.

"What?" I gave her a look.

"He's allergic to bee's, oranges, walnuts, and penicillin."

"OK." I nodded.

She grabbed her purse off her desk, and pulled a clear, blue, and orange container out. "If something happens and he has a reaction, take the cap off, jam this part in to his leg, and push the button. Then take him straight to the hospital, call me, and if you can't get me, call Bryce. He's knows what to do."

"My. I know how to use an epi-pen. Nothing is going to happen to him. He will come back to you in once piece. I promise." I grabbed her hand and pulled her in to my lap. "You can tell me I'm over stepping by saying this. But he's a kid. Give him a little bit of space and let him be a 3 year old boy."

"I do let him be a 3 year old boy." She crossed her arms.

I sighed. "I'm not saying it to make you mad." I shook my head. "Babe you're a good mom. You know you're a good mom. And you have been taking it easier, but you have a full plate and you're stressed beyond belief. You worry about all this stuff as a mom, but the chances of it happening are 1 in 1000. I can handle Layton. He's a good kid, and he's never once not listened to me. You told Bryant Miles and Jason you trust me with him, so trust me with him, OK?"

"Are you trying to say I'm a helicopter parent?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yes." I nodded. "Go to work, we'll be back by the time you get here." I rolled her off and kissed her. "I'm gonna go help him get dressed." I walked toward the door.

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