2 Years Later.

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*Layton's POV*

I have come to a decision.

Being 16, it's a decision I am allowed to make.

Sunday I spent the day with Uncle Will.

In the past 3 years I haven't heard him say a word about Ryan. I haven't heard Grandma and Grandpa say anything about him either.

I don't know if he's been in town, I know he knows about me because mom told him, and he's tried to meet me once.

But aside from his name is Ryan Daniels, and he's 36 years old I know nothing about him.

And that is the first thing I talked to Riley about this morning.

Her wonderful words. 'If you're curious, you should ask your mom. She has always said if you ever have questions you can ask her.'

Which is why I am now sitting in my car with her, waiting for the twins to come out of school so I can take her home and Hunter, Harley and I can go home.

"Did you come to a decision?" She reached across the center consul and grabbed my hand.

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm going to talk to my mom when I get home." I nodded. "She said she'd do whatever she needed to make it happen, but it's been 3 year since I found out about him, and between therapy, and spending time with his family, I need to."

She let out a small smile, leaned over, and kissed me. "I'm proud of you babe. And if you need me to be there when it happens, you know I'm a call away."

"I love you Riles, you know that right?"

"And I love you." She nodded.

Now, I don't know if this comes as a shock to you, but after mine and Riley's first date, we decided that it was so much fun that we never stopped, and now her and I, we've been together for 2 years now. Andy, Noah and Bennet telling me all the time that they told me so. She fits in so well with all the girls in my life. Amaya, Rylah, Kiara, Hannah. Her and Hannah are practically inseparable when she comes to visit despite the 2 year age difference.

But my big thing, Hunter, Harley, and Aunt Taylor love her. She's so amazing with Aunt Taylor and Uncle Carson's son Bishop. He's 2, and they've been married for 3 years now.

I still don't think dad is too keen on anything to do with guys and Aunt Taylor, but knowing she had a baby, he loves Bishop but the thought skeeves him out. But god the lecture I got when I told him Riley and I were having sex doesn't even compare to the shit he's given Aunt Taylor.

The school bell finally went off, but the minute Hunter and Harley walked out, Hunter stopped dead in his tracks and stood off to the side. He had that look on his face that speaks a thousand words. Harley was trying to pull him, but he wasn't budging.

"Let's go!" I yelled out my window.

Now tell my why my little brother just grabbed some kid walking out the door and swung.

Riley gasped and jumped out of her door. "Layton!" She yelled as I basically jumped and took off in a sprint.

"Hunter what the hell are you doing!" I yelled and had to literally lift him off the kid.

"Ask Harley!" He yelled.

I stood in front of him as Riley helped the other boy off the ground. "What did you do?" I looked at Harley.

"I didn't do anything." She shook her head.

"He grabbed Harley's ass in the hall this morning." Hunter yelled.

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