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*Lacey's POV*

I swear, mid hug, the door to my dressing room opened.

"Everything OK?" I heard Blake as Micha pulled away.

"Everything is fine." I nodded.

And he was just staring at me.

Micha sighed. "Blake, you've got to say something before she passes out."

He pursed his lips and nodded. "Well god damn. Look at you." He smiled.

"Look OK?" I looked down at my dress.

"Lace, you look gorgeous." He let out a small laugh. "I can't even tell you how lucky of a guy Brady is right now. Now, what is wrong?"

I took a deep breath and looked at Micha.

"No more." He shook his head. "Stop doubting yourself and get the hell out there." He smiled.

"Whoah, hold on. Why are you doubting yourself?"

"She thinks she's going to be a bad wife."

Blake just looked at me. "Ok, so as someone who could've been your husband-"

"It was one hook up 5 years ago." I rolled my eyes.

"Still rocked your world." He held a finger up. "You are going to be an amazing wife. I promise you that. And right now, I really don't want to go get our dad and ruin the picture of the first reveal that Riken is calling you for. Buck up baby, get out there, and marry the love of your life right now or I'm kicking your ass the whole way down that aisle."

I swear, my smile stretched. "I love you both."

"And we love you." They smiled.

They both lead me out to the portion of the hallway where Riken was waiting.

"Now you, stand here." Riken adjusted me with my bouquet.

"Now, why couldn't I just open the door and you take the pictures?" Bruce groaned as Blake and Micha backed him in the hallway.

"Because I want to get pictures of her behind you first." Riken stepped in front of him and started snapping pictures. "Lace smile."

I swear to God, my heart may come out of my ass right now.

This man is about to walk me down the aisle and if he doesn't approve, I think I may actually break down.

Riken took a few pictures and then came and stood behind me. "Alright, now on 3, turn around."

"Riken, I'm going to whoop your ass. I can't wait anymore. I'm turning around." Bruce started turning.

"Well damn, 3 I guess." Riken laughed.

As soon as he turned around, his face went entirely flat, his lips tucked inward, and he nodded. But then a tear dripped and he sniffled. "Look at my baby."

And my eyes filled.

"Wait!" Blake yelled. "Shit, where is the fan." He looked at Micha.

Micha pulled a little fan out of his coat pocket and handed it to Blake.

Blake ran over and started fanning my face. "Hope said if you start crying to fan you to dry your eyes before tears fall. Don't move."

I took a deep breath. "Thank you."

"Always." He smiled.

Bruce walked over and just simply grabbed my hands. "Before I walk you down this aisle, I want to make this extremely clear one more time." He nodded. "You did not come from me." He shook his head. "But you are mine. I am your family. I love you, very very much Lacey Renee." He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "And I could never actually give you away." He smiled.

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