"Shinohara's weirdest encounter" - Why did I write this?

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1. It started out with me writing random pairs of characters.

2. Ike is hot despite his looks (P.S. best boy is still Arisu, best girl is still Hashimoto. Umm the other way round.)

3. I receive no reactions so I can extend to writing more of this. Watch it escalate to lemons.

4. I suck at writing KiyoKei except 







"Aaaa KiyObAKA"

And this is harmful to fans

5. I read the raw 4.5, 7.5 and the translated Y2V2 and Y2V3

6. Komiya dosen't seem to mind sharing

7. I can proofread without cringing

8. I believe Ike has the best head tilting angles. If not for the anime I wouldn't have wrote a single piece of CoTE.

9. Kiyogod is unrelatable. Ike is more relatable.

10. Horikita stabbing Ayanokoji is satisfying because it feels like mosquitoes at an outdoor camp. Wonder what if a mosquito stung my eye.

11. Lemony no-lemons

Side effects

1. Fapping to colorpencils

2. Making white room versions of color leads

3. Being called 'Ike simp' umm... do I really want to simp for a pervert let alone a man, and I was bullied in primary school partially for kinda being the pervert in the class? I draw the line in simping.

4. Poke cuddly pencils at a price of 5 euros

5. Sometime in early 2021 Shinohara and Ike become somewhat hated should I delete my piece

6. I worry becoming known for this. Goodbye

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