Scene 1

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***OKAY FIRST OF ALL: Y'all need to know that I started this story...a while ago. So Author's Notes, Updates, and Weird Stuff are because of that. Please let me know if there are any grammar mistakes. I'd mighty appreciate that. 

Hey, y'all! Sorry for the grammatically incorrect summary, I had a lot to write and not a lot of space to do so. I hope y'all are all safe from the coronavirus and that you are spending your time doing schoolwork...HAH! As if...kidding.........kind of...

Anyway, I hope all y'all will enjoy this new story I've written. There are new characters along with the Descendants' characters. Please don't hesitate to review, comment, or ask questions! I will get back to you as soon as I can.

**This story has mentions of rape, abuse, torture, and basically whump parts. I do write warnings for rape moments for those who don't want to read that. Anyway, I just wanted to let y'all know in case you're uncomfortable reading that. I don't get very descriptive with the rape parts though. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this!**

Disclaimer: Besides the OC characters and the plot, I do not own anything.

I ran. I ran faster than I ever had before. If I didn't, I wouldn't make it on time and I'll be introduced to a whole different world of pain.

"Avy! Come on!" a boy shouted ahead of me.

"Hurry A!" another boy with black-purple hair yelled.

I could see the shimmering start up again. I could see the anxiety and panic in my friends' fees. I saw what my life would be like if I stayed here. So, I ran faster. I'm sure that anyone who saw me run, would just see a blur of purple. I wasn't going fast enough though. I pushed all I had into my legs and ran faster than the wind. I could see my brother's fingertips reaching for me only a couple of feet away. The shimmering of the barrier grew brighter. His fingers were so close. I barely grabbed them before he pulled me to his side and the barrier fell, solid once more.

"Well," I chuckle. "That was close."

The boy who called out to me first laughed.

"Of course you'd find humor in that."

"That was too close Avy. What took you so long?" the boy who looks exactly like me but in boy form demands.

"Oh relax Quinn. She's here now! There's no reason to worry," the girl with platinum blonde hair snapped.

"Look who's talking," Quinn scoffed. "You were nearly pulling your heart out stressing out over Avy, Calli!"

"'Course I was! I didn't want to be the only mature one of this pack of wild ruffian boys!" Calli argued.

"Oh- that's whatchu calls us? I'd better -" Quinn launched.

"Guys, guys chill! Chill! Avy's here now and we're wasting time! Relax," the boy with the sapphire eyes interrupted.

"Colt's right, y'all. But seriously Avy, you were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. You're lucky that Colt had the foresight to keep the barrier open for a slight bit longer So, seriously, no lying, where were you?" the boy with the red mixed beanie asked. I sighed and looked over to where the 3 teens were.

"What would be the only reason that I could have been late, Are?" I replied coldly. There was a moment of silence, then they all slighted in acceptance and apology. Not in pity, but empathy. But Quinn wouldn't let it go that quickly.

"Ar-are you hurt?" he questioned. I raised an eyebrow to this. "Never mind, that was a stupid question." He was answered with a chorus of "yes" es. He glared at everyone who spoke. I chuckled lightly. That was a mistake. Quinn turned back to me with the intense glare focusing on me. I sighed and relented. I turned around and the others had the decency to do the same. Even Are! He did linger a bit before doing so though. Argh.

I took off my jacket and slowly peeled off my shirt. My back was to Quinn so he saw the damage quickly enough. He tried to cover it, but I heard his sharp intake.

"Why didn't I wait for you?!" he mumbled. "What kind of a twin brother am I?" After that question, I stiffened and spun around.

"Don't EVER think that! You're the best brother ever! Don't doubt it or I'll give you an earful that'll make this look kind." I gestured to the injuries on my back. He smiled a bit but I could tell that he was still ashamed. I shook my head at him. I bent over to pick up my bag, but I didn't get a chance to even grab it before I blacked out.

So what did y'all think? I hope you liked it! Remember, comments, reviews, and questions are always welcome. I know this is short but I promise that the further you go into the story the longer each chapter gets. I end each chapter where I think they should end. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

I wanted to also write down the pronunciations of the names of the characters because, to be honest, there a bit confusing.

Name: Avyanna Morrighan Faeye
Nickname: Avy (pronounced ay-vie)

Name: Quinn Arche Faeye
Nickname: N/A (called Quinn) (pronounced k-w-ih-n (best way I could type it so I didn't have to  use audio lol))

Name: Arien Cade Vizier
Nickname: Are (pronounced air-ree)

Name: Colton Zane Queen
Nickname: Colt

Name: Calixte Lynde de Vil
Nickname: Calli (pronounced cahl-ee) or Cal

You can probably already guess who's a child of who, but I'm not gonna give y'all all the info until later... ;) y'all will see very soon...

Thanks again!

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