Scene 15

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***Quick Warning: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS VAGUE MENTIONS OF RAPE and RAPE. If you wish to not read it then I'll let you know when it's over!***

Thanks again for reading!

Avy's POV

'Let's get started.'

My eyes widened as I saw the bag of condoms open. I started to lift myself from the bed but was stopped by a shock again. When I opened my eyes again, I was met with an angry expression.

"I told you to NOT DO THAT!" He practically yelled. I kept my face impassive though and didn't bother to reply. I just shrugged, then at the furious expression on the teen boy's face, smirked. But he immediately calmed down and smiled.

"It's time." At this, all the boys lunged for the condoms but he pulled them away. He shook a finger and said to them,

"No, no! I'm going first." There were a few sighs but they all nodded and sat down. He then turned to me and smiled. He lifted a bottle that was on the nightstand a couple of feet away from me and unstopped it. He opened my mouth to which I responded by trying to bite him but he chuckled and poured the potion in. Before I could spit it out, he covered my mouth and nose. After a moment, I was forced to swallow it if I wanted to breathe again. Immediately, I felt dizzy and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. After a second, I was met with a flurry of thoughts and emotions, but the most prominent one was lust.

START OF INTENSE SCENE! Those who wish not to read this part, skip!

I must have him! I want him! I need him! He's gotta love me now or I'll burst! I then heard a chuckle and realized that I spoke aloud. I blushed and whispered, "Give me now now NOW!" He smirked and said innocently, "What is it you want?" I moaned wanting him INSIDE me! I started to pull myself up trying to get to him. He chuckled again and pushed me back down. "No, sweetheart. You must stay." I whimpered but obeyed. He smiled again. How did I not see that he looks beautiful? He is the most darling ravishing radiant thing I've ever seen! His hair was black. Black as night. I love nighttime, but his skin was so tan and warm and I wanted that. His eyes though. I sighed. How could anyone not love those eyes? They were a warm chocolate brown and I just wanted to melt in them. I was so lost in them, I didn't realize I was slowly being untied. But all of a sudden, I felt free! I launched myself at him, but he pushed me back down on the bed. I felt hurt and betrayed, but his next words explained all.

"Now, now darling," he soothed. "I know you want me. Do you want me?" I nodded quickly. I wanted him. Oh, I wanted him SO BAD! I nearly jumped at him again, but his stern expression stopped me.

"Will you promise to always obey me?" he asked. I nodded again, a bit confused. Of course, I would! Why wouldn't I? He smiled seeming to be content. Oh. I nearly melted in bliss from that beautiful face. If I could always make him that content, I'd need nothing else. I nearly lost what he said next then.

"Do you love me?" I smiled broader and almost shouted, "Yes! Yes!" He smiled and asked mischievously, "Do you want to make love with me?" I smiled even bigger and nodded so hard and fast. He laughed and I swooned. It was like bells that laugh.

"You first," he said. Immediately, I obeyed. I slowly peeled off my shirt, not even noticing the pain and blood that came from that simple action. Then I pulled down my pants. I then started to pull off my unders, but my love told me to stop, so I obliged. He pushed me onto the bed and fell on top of me I smiled and he immediately claimed my mouth with his own. Oh, it was pure bliss! He was rough and so delicious! After that, I simply had no thoughts left. We tore off the rest of our clothes and with that, we loved each other fiercely.

Afterward, my body thought that it was spent, I needed more! MORE! And I was given more and more until I passed out from exhaustion.

Later on that day (in the nightmare)

When I woke up, I was groggy, my head was fuzzy and I didn't remember everything that went down yesterday. I attempted to raise my arms above my head to stretch, but I was stopped short before they were an inch above the bed. I looked downwards towards my ankles, but they were tied to the bedposts as well. Wait...BED POSTS!? And then I perceived my...exposedness. Everything came rushing back to me. I barely managed to twist to the side before I heaved my sick over the side of the bed.

"Now now sweetheart, is that how you react when you made love with your 'love'?" the bucket of the puke boy asked, making finger quotes around the same I used for him. My nostrils flared and I snarled,

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Me.?!" He shook his head and clicked his tongue.

"Nothing you didn't want darling!" He bent down to stroke my hair which I responded to by squirming. He smiled then said, "Relax. We're about to have another round except for this time, you'll feel all the joy without the potion that brings up hidden emotions!" He pulled off his clothes, then began to kiss me everywhere. I moaned involuntarily and he chuckled against me.

"Told you you'd enjoy it." Then he bit me on my shoulder. I moaned again. He traced his kissed to my entrance all the while pinching and playing with my breasts. Then he stuck his tongue inside me. I lurched and bucked my hips up. He continued doing it. Then he replaced his tongue with a finger then replaced that hand on my breast with his teeth. I moaned and whimpered through it all. When he finally joined our bodies together, I moaned again. Soon after I let out.

END OF SCENE! Those who wished not to read that part, you can start here!

I awoke from the nightmare/memory by my body flinging itself upward. I felt sweat pouring down and I could hear slight panting from myself. I could also see I was shaking quite a bit. I started to take deep breaths as Quinn taught me and I felt my heartbeat slow down to its' natural rhythm, but I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep alone. I threw off my covers, then stopped. While I went to Quinn a lot for this, I know Calli hates to be left alone in a room. So, I decided to go and climb into bed with her. I knew that as soon as my body weight added pressure onto the bed, she was awake, but she stayed entirely sleep-like and I appreciated it. I snuggled in close to her and knew that as long as my family here was with me, I'll be safe.

So what'd y'all thought of that? Hope it was more or less enjoyable. For those who skipped the scenes earlier, I hope this last part was enough to satisfy you. If not, I think y'all might enjoy the next chapter better.

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