Scene 8

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Hey y'all! Hope everyone is being safe during this time and also being very clean-y. Big thanks to scientists and doctors who are doing everything they can to stop this pandemic. If anyone wants to talk, I'm always available.

Remember, reviews, responses, questions, suggestions are always welcome. But please, no flames.

Warning: This chapter contains mentions of rape and sexual harassment. Please skip this chapter if you feel uncomfortable.

Thanks again!

This last one may be the worst of all. And it happened a little more than two and a half months ago.

I was out by myself. Returning from, yet another, Arena Fight Night. I was dirty, bloody, in pain, bruised, and exhausted. Not a good combination. I should've been more aware of what was happening in the area, but my father upped the fights to 15. Since I declared no need for an escort, everyone stayed either at home or somewhere else. Anyway, I was walking with m arms wrapped around my chest and my head down when I heard a *crack* of a branch. I whirled around expecting to see someone, except nobody, was there. I waited a moment before continuing on. When I heard another *crack* I whirled around to see a person flying at me. I was too exhausted to move so I got slammed onto the forest floor. I gasped before trying to kick them off me. But then two people grabbed one of my feet. I struggled, trying to break free, punching before someone held my wrists down. They chuckled darkly.

"Why don't you save that energy for later, sweetheart?" I growled and bit out.

"I'm not your sweetheart!" He laughed and replied,

"Soon enough...soon enough...". Then he kicked my head and I went out like a light.

Sometime later, I awoke to my ankles and wrist being tied down to posts of the bed and a circular band wrapped around my head. I tried to lift myself up but couldn't. I sighed and lied back down. Next time, you're taking an escort! I scolded myself. I sighed again and looked around There were 3 chairs in front of the wall that I was facing and there was a bag of ... I paled and started to thrash around.

"Come on Avy! You gotta get out of here!" I told myself.

"Well well, looks like Sleeping Beauty's awake," a voice said. I whipped my head towards the speaker who was standing by the door.

"Don't. Call. Me. That." I practically growled out. He slowly nodded his head then shook it.

"I'll call you what I want honey!" I growled again and he smirked.

"As you can see, you have no power while I have all of it. So you might want to try getting on my 'good' side," he finger quoted and laughed.

"Let me go and I'll promise not to bash your head in," I snarled. He shook his head.

"I'll let you go when I want to let you go, Avyanna!" I stiffened at the use of my full name. Only my mother calls me that but NEVER anyone else. It's a death sentence. He laughed and called out behind him,

"Come on it! I think she's ready now!" I stiffened more and started thrashing but I felt a shock on my head that was so sudden and so painful that I blacked out for a moment. When I opened my eyes again, I saw the boy with a serious face holding a remote.

"Don't do that. Or I'll be forced to use more unpleasant things." I gulped, slightly nervous. He grinned and set the remote on the nightstand a couple 'a' feet away from my bed.

"You ready guys?" He was answered with a chorus of "YES!". He turned to me with an evil hint in his eyes along with a thing in his hand.

"Then let's get started."

Sorry that this chapter being so short. I broke up each flashback into different chapters so when this flashback ended, so did this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it though. Well enjoyed the writing...not the actual experience. Does that make me a bad person?

Please review, respond, suggest, and ask!

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