Scene 13

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Hey, y'all! I was watching "Bet On It" from High School Musical and there were so many parts that I just found HILARIOUS. I mean, just imagine seeing Zac Efron react to this now... *laughing so hard and falls off a chair*, still love it though!

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy the story!

No One's POV

"I. Don't. Care.". Mal was frozen when she heard those last words from Avy. She never heard or seen so much hate, contempt, anger, and pain from anyone before. But she suspected that was hardly even the surface of Avy's feelings towards her. When she saw that everyone came in, she smiled softly when Jay, Carlos, and Evie ran to her asking if she's okay. She assured them that she was, but turned towards Quinn. Immediately, she saw Are step slightly in front of him, she wasn't exactly sure why, but he stepped aside after a word from Quinn. Before Mal could even get a word out, Quinn said,

"Don't. Don't you dare apologize, Maleficent Bertha." Mal's eyes widened with surprise, her mouth dropped in shock, and took an involuntarily step backward. She could've sworn that she saw a hint of disapproval and irritation cross Quinn's face after she did.

"How-how did you know my m-middle name?" she stumbled. Quinn quirked an eyebrow that seemed to say, Seriously? Are you an idiot? When Mal, still looked confused, Quinn sighed.

"Maleficent kept journals about you and would force Avy and me to read it so that we would one day become just like you. Or worse. Plus whenever she hu-was around Avy, she would always say that Maleficent Bertha is wicked amazing and how Avy'll never live up to be like you unless she stepped up her game," he answered Mal. She opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again.

"I always thought she was disappointed by me. That I'll never live up to her standards." Quinn barked out a laugh without humor. He laughed again when he saw Mal's surprised face, but when a flicker of hurt passed, he cleared his throat and explained.

"No, you weren't. You were her pride and joy. She loved you quite a bit. More than us. Actually, way more than she loved us. You were the main thing she'd always talk about around us. Even after you threw her back to the Isle. Hades, she was infuriated but was quite admired of you. Even though her love for you was the size of a lizard, it was more than both Avy and I combined times two! Hades, we're not even a speck!"

To say Mal was shocked would be quite an understatement. She was beyond overwhelmed and shocked. She didn't say anything for a moment. But then she turned back to Quinn with one more question on her lips.

"Is that why Avy hates me? Because Mom loves me more?" Quinn raised a brow slightly but then pursed his lips for a second before saying,

"To tell you the truth? I'm not entirely sure," he admitted. "There could be lots of reasons. At least, I'm pretty sure there are. But I don't think she's mad because of the denial of a mother's love. Maybe it's because no matter what Avy did, it would never be bad enough for Maleficent. She didn't care about love, only acceptance. She had to do worse, way worse. Like her big sister whom Maleficent would never shut up about." Mal was amazed by all this. It was hard to wrap her head around it all. She stood up to go and Carlos, Jay, and Evie went into the hallway, but she lingered for a moment. She turned to Quinn before she went out the door and said,

"I'm sorry." She heard a small snarl and saw a brief look of anger and fear but they went quicker than they came. Quinn stood, faced towards her, and replied,

"No. Don't say that. We honestly don't care anymore." He walked up to Mal and stopped 3 feet away. He lowered his voice and growled out,

"But touch my sister again, and I'll make your life miserable and horrible. Don't. Test. Me." Mal's eyes widened and then went back to normal size and she nodded. Before she left, she also heard the others call out. She turned towards them and they said, "We all would and will as well." She seemed surprised for a moment by such an outward show of protection, but nodded again and closed the door as she left.

Quinn turned to face the others, clapped once, and announced, "Okay, I'll get Avy, can y'all somehow turn on Avengers' Endgame and get something to eat?" They all nodded, but Are shouted,

"Alright, let's do this! Fearsome Five all in!" He stuck his hand out then he looked around and amended his previous statement. "Let's make that a Four." But no one responded. Calli just rolled her eyes and went to grab pillows and blankets while Colt raised an eyebrow and turned to the TV while Quinn just left.

"Oh c'mon!" Are grumbled and crossed his arms.

So I hope y'all enjoyed that!

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