Scene 3

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Hey, y'all! I hope you enjoy this next bit! Please review, comment, and if any questions pop up, don't hesitate to ask! 

Sorry that the photo above has markings all over it! I liked this one the best so forgive me! Though btw, the grass starts a few yards or so away from the ocean after the sand.

I awake to a pounding headache and a throbbing back and legs. I shook my head trying to get rid of the ringing in it. Ow, I thought. I sighed and slowly started to stand up. As soon as I did, I did a 360-degree turn and took in my surroundings on all sides of me.

It appeared that while the group and I were no longer in the same location as we were before. We were still somewhere on the edge of the Isle. I could see the Auradon castle and the bridge not far from us on the Isle. There were some trees around and I could see the ocean a couple of meters away.

It still looked nicer than the view of the ocean on the other side of the barrier, I thought. I sighed. Where is everyone?

Almost immediately, as f he heard my thoughts, I heard Are coming over to me. He was purposefully making noise as to not alarm me. He knew any silent approach resulted in a couple of bruises in the best scenario or a broken or sprained limb in the worst. He walked into my line of sight and glared at me.

"You should be lying down!" He scolded. I grunted, not bothering to answer. He rolled his eyes.

"Calli! It's your turn!" he called. I chuckled inwardly a little bit. It's not surprising that they set up an interference schedule. They've done it countless times before.

"Seriously? That fast? You didn't try hard enough!" she accused as she walked over. "But I'm not surprised." She looks at me and opened her mouth then closed it. She opened it again, and without turning around, called for Colt.

"I'm not gonna do it!" he called back. "Do you not see how she'll kill me if I even try?" I chuckled aloud for that one. "Y'all should take some pointers from him. He knows what's up."

Are and Calli traded a glance at each other. I sighed.

"Quinn's right behind me isn't he." They tilted their head side-to-side a couple of times then nodded and smirked. I sighed again. I hate this part, I grumbled in my thoughts. I turned around to see Quinn looking cocky with his arms crossed, his foot tapping impatiently, and reprimanding eyes.

"No," I stated.

"Yes," he replied immediately. I groaned.

"I'm fine! See?" I turned around for him to see that I wasn't going to collapse like a damsel in distress.

"Um, no, you're not. That's what you said before you passed out from blood loss a week ago!" he protested and blanched after he realized what he said. I stiffened and turned back to face him.

"What do you mean a week ago?!" I asked icily. He grimaced realizing that it wasn't going well. And he was right. There was about to be some fury loaded up in here.

"Uh...exactly what I mean," he replied and straightened. He held my glare without faltering. "You've been passed out for a week." 

"You were exhausted, Avy. You know we wouldn't have let you sleep that long if you weren't otherwise!" Callie pushed, trying to get me to understand their viewpoint. And while I did, the feeling of vulnerability and the anger that came with it wouldn't abandon me. 

I felt all my hair rise end excluding the hair in a french braid. My eyes started to tingle where my iris is and I felt the change. The change from normal me to pissed-off green-eyed me.

I knew everyone else saw it as well and they all stepped back including Quinn. His own eyes were green but he knew how to hold himself when I'm about to explode. I glared at him. Fury coating my face.

"!?" I shrieked. He held my glare and nodded without hesitation.

I felt myself stepping away from reality. And I'm pretty sure everyone else did as well. They all stepped back to a distance of 15 feet or so away and watched me. If they didn't, there was a possibility of them getting majorly injured. 

I closed my eyes and took a breath to try to pull myself back to reality but it was too late. My head snapped back to have my face aimed at the sky. My purple french braided hair was starting to come undone and I felt the ground disappear beneath my feet. I opened my eyes and screamed.

Immediately my mind flashed back to the day of unspeakable terror. The day my mother came back.

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