Scene 11

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So the last chapter was kind of intense. Hope you enjoyed it though!

Like always, please review, respond, suggest, or ask anything, please! Anything and everything is always always welcome!

Avy's POV

"So you two are Mal's siblings right?" Jay asked. 

No, we're just two kids that just happened to look a lot alike to Mal. Of course, we are you dimwit! I thought. Instead of voicing this aloud though, I just stayed silent. Quinn, ever the polite one, replied,

"Yeah." Jay nodded and smiled at Are who was behind me. Carlos was talking to his sister in the back and Calli seemed a bit hesitant to talk though. If the older boys noticed it, they didn't let it dissuade them.

It took us 3 flights, a bit of a walk, a turn, another small walk, and another turn before we reached our dorm. Jay opened the door and announced, "Here we are! Mal and Ben both thought that you all would be more comfortable together so we got you the top dorm at the top!" Jay winked at us but we were all too busy gaping.

"This is the common room, where all of you can hang out and be together," Carlos explained. He pointed to the left and said, "That's the girls' bedroom," then pointed towards the right, "And that's the boys."

"Wicked," Are exhaled. His eyes widened further when he saw the pool table that could change into a regular table. He swung himself over the couch and walked over. Colt's eyes widened when he saw the fancy computer stuff over by the wall.

"Wow! These are brand new brand new!" he exclaimed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jay and Carlos wince at the awe in Colt's voice. 

They forget about their siblings while living in a place where EVERYTHING is clean and new, yet they flinch when they hear someone in awe of something they started to take for granted. I thought darkly. I guess you can say that I don't appreciate those who take things for granted.

"Avy, look!" I heard Calli squeal. I walked over to her and saw that there were 3 bookshelves full of brand new books.

"I've been dying to find out what happens to Harry Potter in the fifth book!" she exclaimed. Quinn was over with Colt admiring the new tech, Are was checking out the weird video-game-fighter-swinging-thingy, and Calli was thrilled about the books, everything seemed pretty okay so far.

I decided to check out Calli and I's room. As soon as I walked in, I shrieked. Everyone came running.

"Avy what's the matter? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Quinn rapidly asked. I turned back to him in loathing contempt and disgust.

"It's. All. PINK!" Quinn blinked. I walked further into the room. "Everything's disgustingly horrifyingly PINK!" I gestured around the room disgusted. Quinn blinked again then smiled.

"You'll survive." I glared at him for a minute before I heard Jay call out,

"Well... she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to." Everyone turned to Jay, curiosity piqued. He rolled his eyes.

"Mal hated the color too when she moved in, so she thought that if both roommates agreed, she could change the room color. But only, if you both agree." I turned to Calli and silently asked the obvious question. She raised her eyebrows and seemed to ask back, Do you really need to ask A? I rolled my eyes and Calli replied that we would most definitely want a different color. Jay just shrugged and proceeded to tell Mal what we wished. We went to the boys' room next.

When we walked in, Carlos immediately exclaimed, "Hey! It's just like mine and Jay's except with another bed." Are immediately took one look at a bed and pounced on top of it.

"Well, this certainly beats ours," I said.

"It wasn't much of a high bar anyway!" Are called out from his bed where he was lying. I rolled my eyes at his comeback.

Calli turned to Carlos and asked, "When will the new stuff for our room get here?" Carlos opened his mouth but before he could answer, there was a knock at the door. He walked over and opened it to reveal Mal, Evie, and Jay holding several boxes and bags. When they walked in, I saw Mal glance at me and seemed to be a bit nervous, but excited too. I sighed. This was gonna happen eventually, Avy! You can't prevent it forever! I scolded myself. Mal started to speak but Calli interrupted.

"Where did you get all of this?" she asked. Mal blinked before smiling and answering, "Ben, Adam, and Belle bought them." Calli and I started. The royal family bought stuff for us? My eyes hardened and I'll bet that Calli's did as well.

"If they bought all this from pity, then we'll live with the pink," Calli replied, her voice a bit icily. Yep, I was right. Mal blinked again before shaking her head and saying, "No! No, of course not. They just wanted to be nice." I let out a soundless sigh.

"If it wasn't from pity, we'll accept," Calli said. I held out my arms so I can take the boxes, but Mal shook her head.

"We're helping you two move in. After all, we're family right?" Mal grinned as she walked to my room with the rest of us following her. After Mal set everything done as well as Evie and Jay, she turned around, smiled, and said, "Now them, let's get started. Shall we?"

Sorry that the update took a while. I was updating it on paper but not electronically. It's also been a couple of weird weeks. Anyone else feeling hot?

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