Scene 5

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Sorry that chapter was so short. I wanted to draw out the flashbacks of Avy.

Again, reviews, questions, and comments ALWAYS WELCOME!

After my mind flashed to that horrible memory, it went to the next one. One with my father.

It was a couple of years ago and Mother had just thrown me outside and commanded me to go over to his place. And I went, knowing that if I didn't, much worse would happen.

As I walked over to Father's house, I heard silence. On the Isle, if you hear silence, then you're about to be dead. I tensed up and got my guard up higher than it was before, but I kept walking, trying to fool the fools who were trying to fool me. The fools.

I kept walking for the next minute when I felt a shift.

I grabbed the hand that reached out for me, twisted it, and pulled it along with the body that accompanied it over my head.

As his body landed hard on the floor, I relaxed slightly.

"Are, what are you doing?" He grimaced.

"Getting my butt kicked." I shook my head. Leave it to Are to make it all about him, I thought.

"Are, seriously. What are you doing here?" He didn't answer nor did he meet my eye. I sighed. Of course.

"Quinn sent you didn't he?" He still didn't meet my eyes. I threw my arms into the air.

"Unbelievable! He knows I can take care of myself. I don't need someone to babysit me!" I saw a flash of hurt in Are's eyes and it was only there for a second, but I saw it. I sighed again.

"Are, why did you come? You know you didn't have to," I asked a bit more gently.

"Avy, your brother asked me to. You know I'd do anything for him and you too," he blushed when he realized exactly what he said. "I mean, I can't let a pretty girl like you walk by herself. It's unsophisticated!" I chuckled. Of course, he's thinking about whether something is sophisticated or not. Weirdo. I turned around and started walking to Father's again, but with Are at my side.

As we arrived at my father's place, I turned to Are.

"Whatever happens in there, you have to promise me that you won't do anything rash or stupid. So basically don't do ANYTHING. Will you promise me?" Are nodded confused.

"Yeah, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" I shook my head.

"You just jinxed me," I mumbled. Are narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" I smiled sadly. He's gotta find out eventually Avy! I told myself. I looked at him.

"You'll see."

I opened the door to my father's Krazy Houwse.

We were greeted by screaming and cheering. They were expecting us, well me. I smiled (evilly, mind you) and started walking towards the Arena on the right in the front.

"Ah! My daughter! Whatever took you so long? You've been keeping the crowd waiting and you know what happens when that happens," my father spoke while walking over to me. I gulped.

"More fights! I can't wait!" I replied trying to appear happy about it. I don't think I did that well of a job because Father's eyes narrowed. He opened his mouth to speak but he noticed Are behind me before he did. His eyes narrowed a bit more, which in and of itself seemed impossible, but they then went back into a normal relaxed state. I was alarmed...just a slight bit though. Something bad is gonna happen today. I can feel it.

3 minutes later I was dressed and in the arena, ready to go. I could feel the crowd's restlessness and excitement for a bloody fight. I already warmed up and stretched but I stretched a little longer. Everyone was ready for the fight, the air was restless and filled with excited anticipation. I rolled my eyes. Why does everyone always get so excited when a fight's about to happen?

I rolled my eyes at myself for asking a stupid question. Because we're the Isle? We live for blood! I replied to myself with my father's answer whenever I ask anything like it aloud.

At last, I heard the gates slowly creak open. I smiled crookedly. One side going higher than the other. Here comes the first challenger! I thought. I turned around and saw my half-sister Celia standing in front of the gate with her own battle outfit on along with a hand on her hip and a raised eyebrow.

"What?" she said. I gestured to the Arena we were in. She shrugged in reply.

"Father said that he wanted us to fight." I nodded accepting the answer but then she smirked.

"But I also wanted revenge for when you ripped one of my cards!" I groaned.

"How many times must I say it? I didn't rip up your dumb card!" She narrowed her eyes.

"They're not dumb!" She nearly launched herself at me right then, but before she could, we heard Father's voice.

"Now, now girls. We know that you're eager to start the fight." The crowd chuckled and father winked. "But be patient That's a key skill to every villain." We both nodded. He waited one more moment then turned to the crowd.

"Alright villains and villainesseses," the crowd chuckled again for that was a typing error on a flyer and is now used as part of the opening statement for the Arena.

"Today we're going to have some matches!" The crowd roared and Father smiled.

"I won't announce who and how many there are at the moment for I want my daughter, the Champion, to be surprised." I'll be surprised alright, I thought.

"Remember, no throwing anyone in the Arena without my permission, no hitting the contestants with limbs, accessories or food, or anything like that. And no-" the crowd joined in with him "cheating allowed!" That last one was big deal because about 9 years ago we had a huge incident with my father's opponent in the Arena when he WAS in it, cheated, and caused my father to lose and get injured. The opponent died of course which is why there's a NO CHEATING rule. Villains get very brutal when they get cheated on.

Anyway, my Father gets the crowds' attention and we all stand and turn to the Villain's Pledge on the wall.

"I am bad. I am evil. I am a villain.

I am ALWAYS victorious even in failures.

Death is dishonorable if the death caused a lost

Love and happiness and goodness are disgustingly disturbing gross and it will not be tolerated.

No snitches or tell-tales or losses allowed.

No cheating allowed upon yourself but cheating on others is okay.

Losing is NOT an option.

I am blackhearted through and through and no one can take that from me."

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