Scene 14

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Here is the next chapter. Hope y'all enjoy it!

Avy's POV

After I left everyone in the hallway, I ran off. I can't believe the nerve she had! To even think that I'd hurt my brother! Yeah, sometimes I get caught unaware by him, but I'd never intentionally hurt him! How dare she?! She has NO RIGHT. She shoved her way in between Quinn and me. UGH! That girl completely infuriates me! I kept running to where there was this huge tree overlooking a creek. I grabbed a branch connected to the tree then I started climbing up.

When I finally stopped climbing, I was about 75 feet off the ground, sitting against the trunk of the tree with my legs dangling 'precariously" off the edge as scolding, concerned mother might say. Except I don't have a concerned mother, I barely have a mother if you could even call her that! I still don't understand why they would send her back instead of keeping her here. Argh!

And Mal, where to begin with her. She acts as though her life has been torturous and that she's gone through traumatizing times. Then she has the nerve to attempt an apology as if that would make everything get all better. And on top of that, all that she thinks is that I'm the one who attempts to hurt my brother. Granted, I did knock him down, but I didn't know it was him! He forgot to warn me.

She thinks that she's seen hard times, but even her idea of torture and agony would faint and go into a coma and die to the pain of my everyday life.

While all of those thoughts (and more) were swirling around in my head, I kept my eyes fixed on the horizon. There's just something hypnotizing to me when the sun slowly falls beneath the sky and the night sweeps over the day. I know it's stupid, but as I said, it's hypnotizing to me. The day's over and there's not much else to worry about. To be honest, the night is usually the worst time for me but the beauty of the transition from day to night is just too beautiful to blame.

A few moments later, I heard my brother approaching. I felt his disapproval of me being so high up but he didn't voice it. Instead, he climbed up to sit on a branch next to mine. We sat there for a few moments in silence, just enjoying each other's company before he said, "I've never seen so much disbelief on someone's face before. I mean, Jay, Carlos, and Evie were astounded when you managed to push past them. Can't say I'm surprised, people always end up underestimating you and then pay for it when they nurse their bruises." I cracked a smile at my brother's enthusiasm. He always manages to me make smile even after the worst of situations.

"I think even Calli was a bit nervous for a moment, even though you know she'd deny it. Are...well...he's Are," he continued. I turned to face him with an apology showing through my eyes. He smiled and replied silently, It's alright. I inwardly sighed relieved. One of these days, my brother isn't going to accept an apology for something I do. He'll snap one day and never be near me again. Though he keeps saying that he won't and I'm grateful for that. If he left me, I'm positive that I'd break and that no one would be able to make me come back to myself.

"C'mon, I'll race you back!" Quinn grinned as he issued a challenge. He knows I've never backed down from one. I feel adrenaline surge forward and we race down from the tree (as carefully as possible, obviously) and sprint back to the dorms, laughing throughout the chase.

When we entered the dorm we now all share, I let out a gasp. Avengers' Endgame was on the TV and there were pillows and blankets on the couch along with bean bags where the chairs used to be. The table was covered with bowls of popcorn and bags of candy. Everyone was already sitting. Colt on one of the bean bag bags, Calli on the other, and Are on the right side of the couch facing the TV. Calli and her bean bag were next to him while Colt's bean bag was slightly in front of the left side of the couch, in the same position as Calli.

Calli and Are seem to be arguing about whether Iron Man or Captain America would win in a fight, so Colt was the first to see us, just like usual. He flashed and smile and turned to the other two and said, "Yo, they're here. I suggest that you two be quiet during the movie unless you want to be pounded by Avy."

They all but stopped the conversation they were having, turned to me, gave a head jerk up as if to say "what up?" and resumed their argument. I laughed quietly. Trust those two to stay the same no matter where we are.

Quinn realizes that the movie will never start until we move and turn it on. We went and sat on the couch (with it reclining! I mean, how awesome is that?!) with the pillows fluffed behind us and the blanket over us. We grabbed at the candy while Colt dimmed the lights to their lowest setting and pressed play. I snuggled closer into my blankets and waited for the best night ever.

No One's POV

Throughout the movie, the candy and the popcorn all out disappeared. Everyone laughed, groaned, and even shed a tear or two (though they'd never admit it). When the credits finally rolled around, Avy was asleep as soon as the screen went dark. Her head was on Quinn's shoulder and was holding his arm. When Quinn had to move to prevent his shoulder from going numb and potentially falling off, Avy just groaned a bit before leaning over and set her head in Are's lap and grabbed his hand instead. He was surprised for a moment, but then smiled softly and looked down at the beautiful purple-haired girl sleeping. While doing so, he missed the knowing glances the rest of the crew gave each other. Colt started cleaning up along with Calli as Quinn went into the girls' room to get Avy's bed ready. Are just lied there with Avy's head in his lap, one hand joined with his own and his other hand petting her hair, smiling.

We're both broken, yet I ALWAYS feel whole when I'm around her. Does she feel the same? Or will she always see me as a friend? I don't know, but I do know that I'll NEVER leave her side while I can draw breath and not even after that! Whether I go "up there" or "down there" (which is far more likely if I'm being honest with myself), I'll still be with her. But I don't know if she'll be with me, he thought.

He didn't realize he was so lost in thought before Colt came back over with bandages and ointments to put on Avy's back. No matter how tough she acted, they all knew she was in pain. Everyone in the group knew when another person in the group was hurting. Colt gestured for Are to flip Avy onto her stomach so he could tend to her back. Are did so, then Avy moaned. He paused then laid her on her stomach, her head still in his lap, so her back was facing upwards. 

They quickly, but gently, pulled her shirt up to her shoulders. Quinn then came in and sat next to Colt in case he needed to help. Calli, meanwhile, sat on the opposite end of the couch of Are and placed Avy's legs on top of her own. Colt slowly unwrapped the bandages being as gentle as possible. Avy only twitched a couple of times. Colt grabbed the anti-bacteria bottle and allowed the liquid to soak the cloth that was against it. With a deep breath, he started cleaning Avy's back. She only gasped or groaned throughout that part. There were a few winces and twitches but not much. Colt soon finished everything and rebandaged her. Everyone met each other's eyes all communicating the same thought:

She must really be out cold if she didn't stir much throughout the entire ordeal.

Several other times when she's been hurt, she woke up and started thrashing. They all weren't sure what to make of this, but they hoped it meant that she was trusting them again more and more while she's unconscious. After a moment, they arrived at a unanimous decision. They'll watch her, but without her noticing. It's been attempted before and when she found out, there was a large and long tongue-thrashing for ALL of them about how she was capable of looking after herself. The others, well, didn't quite agree with the statement. If she finds out...again, they'll be in mighty big trouble.

That night, while Mal was lying in her bed, her thoughts kept circling someone. Her sister. She's never heard so much malice and hurt come from a person. The amount of pain it seems the girl has would overwhelm 10 people if it was split and divided. Mal didn't know exactly how to feel nor act around the girl, but she did now that she wanted to get to know her. To at least become friends. Avy may be stubborn but so was she. With that last thought, Mal rolled over and turned off the light then promptly fell asleep.

Avy, however, wasn't doing as well. During the night, nightmares appeared and grabbed hold of her, not relinquishing their grip nor softening it. This nightmare? Well, let's just say, wasn't good.

Hope all y'all enjoyed this chapter! if not, then I hope that the next one will meet your expectations.

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