Scene 2

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Hey, y'all! I hope you enjoy this next bit!

In Auradon, 3 Days Later

Ben opened the door as silently as he possibly could as to not alert the council members that may be in the hallway. Once he closed it as quietly as possible, he leaned against the door as if he had just run a marathon with his eyes closed. Finally, he thought. A moment of peace...

"You look like you've had a bad day," a voice suddenly said, sounding amused. Ben jumped to see Mal sitting behind his desk, with a smirk on her face. He sighed realizing that it was none of the council members.

"Thank goodness it was just you!" Mal raised an eyebrow.

"Just me?" Ben flushed.

"That's-that's not what I meant," Ben fumbled. He rubbed the back of his neck, nervous about where this is going.

"What did you mean then, Ben?" Mal rested her chin on her hands with her elbows on the desk.

"You see, what I meant was, was that you, uh, weren't who I, uh, thought you were," Ben stumbled, not daring to meet her gaze.

"Who'd you think I was then?" Mal enjoyed this game of cat and mouse. He always ended up confessing whatever happened. He also looked really cute when he's flustered and babbling.

Ben sighed. He couldn't escape this time.

"The council members," he admitted.

"And why are you running from them?"

"Because they're all trying to get me to sign permissions and agreements for them to better benefit their land. Whether for greediness or pure necessity, I don't know," Ben ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and flopped onto one of the lounge chairs in his office. He sighed again with his hands on top of his head. Mal smiled sympathetically. She walked over to him and started lightly massaging his shoulders.

"I'm sorry. Are you gonna hide from them for the rest of the day?" Mal asked.

"I'm not hiding! I'm just," Ben looked at Mal's face. "Okay, yeah I'm hiding." Mal chuckled. She started to say something but closed her mouth before doing so. However, Ben saw her struggle of wondering whether to say something or not.

"Mal, what's the matter?" he asked concerned. She sighed. Well, here goes nothing! She thought.

"EvieCarlosandJaygottaletteraskin'forhepfromIsle," she quickly replied. Ben blinked.

"Do you think you could say that a bit slower this time? So I can understand what you're trying to say?" he chuckled. Mal blushed. She took a deep breath and repeated her earlier statement.

"Evie, Carlos, and Jay got a letter from the Isle asking for help."

Ben stared at her. He stared at her for a whole 30 seconds. And sighed.

"From who?"

"Their younger siblings," she gulped. Ben's eyes shot up to meet hers. They were filled with shock, surprise, and guilt.

"They have siblings?" he asked stunned. Mal nodded. "Great," he sighed. Mal narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean, 'Great'?" she asked a bit sternly. Ben sighed.

"The council is worried about bringing more Isle kids over," he confessed. Mal's eyes flashed green. She took a breath to try to calm herself down. It worked, mostly. Her eyes were still slightly tinted green.

"Why?" she asked, her voice devoid of emotion. Ben gulped. She sometimes scares me half to death, he thought.

"Because they're worried about how everything will work for the 45 kids that we're planning to bring over soon. They want to know how we'll manage to take care of them all." Mal closed her eyes and when she opened them again, they were back to their normal color. She turned away from Ben.

"Why don't they believe in us?" she asked quietly. Ben sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sure they're just worried." Mal nodded seeming to understand. She sighed and faced him again.

"Ben, I know you're trying your best but I really need this." Ben cocked an eyebrow, slightly confused. Mal sighed getting ready to confess the ultimate question.

"Evie, Carlos, Jay, and I were wondering if their siblings could come here as soon as possible," she explained. Ben stiffened. Mal rushed to assure him.

"They're just not doing well and they say that they're in a really bad place and they need help. It's crazy enough that they sent a letter but a letter asking for help? That's practically unheard of on the Isle. Something must really be wrong if they were willing to say that." Mal held Ben's hands and sighed.

"I don't want to make you upset Ben, but I'm really worried. They love their siblings and they feel horrible for practically forgetting them. All I'm asking is the same privileges and things that were given to us be given to them. Ben, please?"

He sighed and looked up to the ceiling. He shook his head a bit in disbelief of how much influence this girl has on him. He looked back at Mal's pleading and imploring eyes and answered.

"Alright, but only their siblings okay?" Mal winced. Ben sighed, again.

"What else?"

"They have 2 friends with them. I don't know who they are. They didn't mention their names." Ben shook his head, again.

"Alright, fine. But you're the one explaining this to everyone, okay? I don't want any more council members to add to my "TO AVOID" list." Mal chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, deal."

Hope y'all enjoyed that! Remember comments, questions, and reviews are appreciated, wanted, and accepted!

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