Scene 4

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Hey, y'all! Hope y'all are being safe from the pandemic and not dying from boredom! ;) I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and hoping that y'all are all safe and healthy. For those who have lost someone from this pandemic, I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope you know that I'm always here if you want to talk. I pray for all of you.

Hopefully, my stories are giving you something to pass the time with! #SorryNotSorry for that last cliffhanger. ;) ;) ;) I love all y'all so very much! Thanks again for reading! Any reviews, questions, or comments are ALWAYS welcome!

The doorbell rang and I was up in my room working out. I sighed and screamed to Quinn.

"Can you get it?"

"No!" I groaned. I turned off our crackling speaker and went upstairs.

When I arrived at the door, I was in for a shock. For when I opened it, Mother was in chains with 7 guards accompanying her. She grinned and I knew I was in for some trouble.

"Darling! I knew you'd be home, you don't have anywhere else to be. I told these men so, but they refused to let me alone until someone answered the door and agreed to take me in. And I knew you would! You're just a bundle of goodness!" I winced a bit at the last statement, hoping Mother missed that but unfortunately, she didn't. Her eyes narrowed at the sign of weakness but continued to speak.

"So, sweetie, can you tell these men that there's no need to stay. I'm just exhausted and I need to lie down." I nodded and turned to the guards who were waiting for an answer.

"She's right. She lives here and I'm her daughter. There's no reason for you to stay any longer. Now if you could so kindly release my mother and head back to whatever your other more important duties require, we'd all be so grateful," I practically spat out.

The 7 guards traded looks and seemed to agree. They unlocked Mother's chains ad left her. They nodded to me and headed back to their ride. I sighed half-wishing that they'd turn right back around and say, "Just kidding! She's going back to Auradon," and I'd stay here without her. But of course, they didn't. I sighed and closed the door getting ready to turn around and welcome Mother home. But before I could, I was slapped. Hard enough to fall on the floor. I felt a bruise already forming on my cheek. Then I heard Quinn call up.

"You okay, Avy?" Mother grabbed my chin, her fingernails nearly breaking the skin, and dragged me back to a standing position. She placed her lips next to my ear and whispered,

"You better not. I'm going to do what I want to you and if you know what's good for you, you won't try to get out of it." I gulped and barely nodded to let her know that I got the message.

"Avy?" I heard Quinn call again, slightly worried.

"I'm fine! Just tripped over something! Get back to your stupid practice!" I called back. I saw Mother's nod of approval out of the corner of my eye. I looked back at her and she smirked.

"Play-time baby," she cooed. She dragged me upstairs by her fingers by digging her fingernails into my arm and began her first round of torture.

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