Scene 12

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Here's the next chapter! Sorry for the abrupt ending. I wanted this next part to make a "pop!" or something...does that make sense? If not...just ignore my ramblings.

...Enjoy this next chapter!

Above is the 5's Complex (Not sure if that's the right word or not but whatever) and the random ideas I had. I didn't have a definite solid vision for their rooms so whatever y'all think matches them, have that vision in your head!!

Avy's POV

A couple of hours later, our room was finally finished. And it was looking good if I do say so myself.

The bedspreads were no longer a light prissy pink, but a light blue. The curtains are white marble with them becoming an ombre to light turquoise. The canopies are now a light grey and so are the cushioned chairs. The carpet is now a simple grey. The lampshades were all changed to light gray with blue edges. The lamps are now white. Everything looked a whole lot better now.

"So...?" Mal looked at Calli and me nervously. "What do you think?" Calli and I looked at each other, seeing that our like of the room was mutual.

"It works," Calli replied for the two of us. I jerked my head in a quick nod, signaling that I agreed with her. Mal smiled so brightly, I was worried that she might have used too much teeth shiner.

"I'm so glad that you two like it! Now, I'm afraid that I must head out for a moment. I have to take a call from Ben while he explains what the next meeting is about." With that, she promptly left the room with Jay and Evie who said that they needed to finish their homework.

When we walked into the common room, we saw Carlos explaining something to Quinn, Are, and Colt. Though when he saw us, his face brightened seeing his younger sister. He shook his head as if clearing it before he spoke.

"Hey! I was just explaining to the boys here that we need to know your ages along with any electives you may want to do." I raised an eyebrow to this which Are quickly verbalized before I spoke.

"Are you sure that we'd even want the electives?" he asked. I wouldn't have made the sentence as polite, but he got the basics down. Carlos smiled at this thought as if it was a joke.

"Don't worry, there are tons of electives to choose from." I rolled my eyes, but it sounded alright. No, nope! Don't get too into it! I scolded myself. Everyone else though seemed interested.

"Like...what?" asked Colt. To be honest, I was a bit surprised he spoke up. He doesn't talk much. Neither of us does, but he sometimes talks even less, if you can believe that. Everyone else seemed a bit thrown off too, but Carlos answered him after a moment.

"Well, there is a bunch. There's so much I don't even remember them all, but they're all on the forms. But, I'll tell you a few." he blinked when I raised an eyebrow at him as if saying, Get on with it. He answered Colt's question though.

"There's fashion designing, art, STEM, fitness, and a lot more. Trust me on this." I rolled my eyes at his continuous ranting. I turned away and let my eyes rest on the DVD storage case. I walked over and gasped softly. There were SO MANY MOVIES! My eyes scoured over them until I saw the movie I was hoping was there, Avengers: Endgame! I saw Avengers: Infinity War three years or so ago, but I didn't see Endgame in the trash on the Isle, so... But now I'll finally get to see Endgame! I hugged it to my chest and saw Not Cinderella's Type, the entire Hunger Games series, Harry Potter series, Newsies, Grimm series, Heartland show, Merlin tv show, Prince of Persia movie, a bunch of Avengers movies along with more Marvel movies, Spiderman movies, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion, Hello, Dolly, Annie, The Happiest Millionaire, and so much more that I can't even list them all.

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