Scene 7

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Hey everyone! Hope y'all are all doing well during this time of boredom. Doctors and those struggling with the COVID-19 virus, I send my love and hope y'all will either feel better soon or get some rest. I'd like to thank the doctors and scientists who are working so hard to find a cure or something to counteract the virus. Anyone who needs someone to talk to, I'm always here.

Anyway thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants. I do own my OC and the plotline though.

Please enjoy!

After I finished off Seth, Tristan Ratcliffe, Keith Gothel, Ella Gaston, Ansi Mordu, Islui Shanyu, and Mycha Clayton, I thought that I was done. Father doesn't usually let me do more than 8 fights a night. I guess he wants me to be healed enough in 2 weeks. Or rather his Arena Champion. But today he did one more. After I bowed when the healers took Mycha away, I turned to the gate and started to walk off.

"Whoa whoa whoa BW! Where do you think you're going?" I heard my father ask on the mic. I turned around and shrugged.

"I thought everyone else has given up trying to beat me tonight," I called back. The crowd chuckled at my sassiness to my father. He shook his head and finger at me.

"Naughty naughty naughty! No. You've become a bit too accustomed to my small number of fights. But we'll up it to 10 this time!" The crowd roared with excitement. I groaned in my head. He always saves the best for last. So who's it gonna be? I thought. I shrugged at my father.

"Well, I've already gotten 9 tonight, who else is wanting the honor?" I call back. I saw Father's eyes narrow in mischief and a slight smile light up his face. I tensed up knowing that something really bad is gonna happen.

"Why none other than your sweetheart, Arien Vizier!" he called as the gates opened to reveal, yes, Are. I stood there in shock as I saw him walk up to me.

"Are?! What in Hades do you think you are doing?!" I whispered fiercely to him.

"Well, it was either me fighting you or your father...later," he replied, just as softly. I stiffened. It's never good when Father says fight...later. That usually means his own torture. I shrug it off though.

"I told you to not get involved!" I whisper-shouted at him.

"Only rash or stupid things, Avy. Only rash or stupid and this is neither," he shook his head at me. I shook my own back.

"Are, you don't understand. The bonus ones are different. You-" I get interrupted before I could finish.

"Okay lovebirds. Time to stop chatting and start fighting!" I heard Father call out. I glared at him before realizing my mistake. You never glare at Dr. Facilier. Father glared back but with a smile. He turned back to the crowd and spoke again.

"As you know, there are some nights where I give the challenger an advantage. Well, tonight'll be one of them." The crowd cheered while I groaned inwardly. They love these. Father winks at me.

"Tonight, I give the son of Jafar 5 minutes of harming the champion without her fighting back." Are turned to me with his eyes filled with horror. I shook my head and said,

"He's not done." He turned back slowly to hear the worst part.

"-With the weapon the crowd chooses!" The crowd roared even louder than before. It practically shook the building! Are turned back to me already starting to shake his head. Before he ran out, I grabbed his arm.

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