Scene 16

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Hope this chapter is up to y'all's satisfaction!

Avy's POV

The next day, we all prepared to go to Auradon Prep, school-wise. Carlos came in around 10:15 am and seemed surprised that we were all alert and ready for the day, each of us doing something different. Calli was reading her book, Quinn and Are were playing a video game, Colt was figuring out how the computer works while I was sparring by myself. When Carlos walked in seeing me throw kicks and punches and doing my normal routine, he seemed alarmed. I smiled inside, wondering how they all survived the Isle for 16 years! They must've never been in the back ways. He quickly schooled his face in neutralization before he asked us all to sit in the common room to work out classes.

"So, how old are you all?" I rolled my eyes to this. He already knew how old we were and besides our age was never really taken into account at the Isle School, Are spoke and said what I was thinking. Kind of.

"Our age didn't change anything at the Isle School. Whenever we first walked in is when we started. So we're all in the same grade." Carlos seemed a bit surprised (though I don't know why), and replied, "Alright then, but still, tell me your ages so I can put them on the forms." Calli answered this time.

"We're all 15." Carlos seemed slightly surprised that we were all the same age.

"When are your birthdays?" We all looked at each other, slightly concerned. Our parents never let us know exactly when our birthdays were. We just guessed them.

Quinn answered the question, more or less.

"Um, well, we think that Are's birthday is August 7th, then Calli's is November 3rd, mine and Avy's is January 17th, and Colt's is February 21st. Um, that's what we think anyway." Carlos seemed surprised by this.

"Wait, so none of you know when your birthday is?" We looked at each other and turned back to him shaking our heads. "Why not?" I raised my eyebrows at this.

"You know yours?" Colt asked, genuinely surprised like the rest of us. Carlos nodded still astounded.

"March 27th," he said.

"So...wait," Carlos shook his head. "What are those dates then?"

"We're just guessing, we've heard our parents say it once or twice, so yeah," Calli answered. "Anyway, we were freshman last year."

"Alright then. Could you tell me what subjects you were in in the Isle School?" Carlos continued.

"I had Standard History, Standard Math, Standard Science, Advanced English, then Cross Country, Trickery, and Hand-to-Hand Combat and Fencing," Are replied first.

"I had Standard History, then Standard Math, then Advanced Science, Advanced English, then Cross Country, Potions, then Hand-to-Hand Combat and Fencing," Calli said next. Colt said his schedule next.

"Advanced History, Advanced Math, Advanced Science, Advanced English, Cross Country, Healing and Medicine then Hand-to-Hand Combat and Fencing."

"Advanced History, Advanced Math, Advanced Science, Advanced English, then Cross Country, Plotting Step-By-Step, and Hand-to-Hand Combat and Fencing," Quinn answered. "Avy had Advanced History, Standard Math, Standard Science, Advanced English then Cross Country, Fitness, and Hand-to-Hand Combat and Fencing last."

After Quinn finished, Cali explained the schedule for the Isle School.

"History's first, then Math, Science, English, Cross Country, then Solo Elective, then Hand-to-Hand Combat and Fencing. The order's always the same. If we miss classes, who cares? We always skipped about half the year. They never really taught much. We got books that y'all threw away and that was our main source of education, but that's it." Carlos blinked at the statement about how many school days we missed. Are threw his hands in the air and exclaimed,

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