Reality 2

561 21 2

Judson POV

Jason called me and said Josna fainted seeing Henry and knew about Drew. I asked him to bring her  to my hospital. Im little far, came to perform surgery in different hospital. It will take a while for me to reach so I informed my friend to make all the arrangements.

When I reached Dr. Angela was checking Josna. Jason and Henry were outside along with a lady. Jason introduced her as Josna's mom. We greeted each other, didn't spoke after that, worried about Josna.

After sometime Dr. Angela came and informed "she is under stress, needs to take rest. Especially stress is not good under this condition"

"What condition? What happened to my baby?" Her mom asked

"She is  pregnant, looking very weak. I will do ultrasound when she wakes up" Dr. Angela said

No, it can't be happening. God why are you doing this? We already lost Drew, Josna doesn't know anything. How can we tell her

I looked at her mom, she looked very angry, hurt. I can understand her situation. I should explain her.

I was about to talk when she walked into Josna's room. Three of us looked each other. Henry has some unknown expression which I couldn't understand. 

After sometime we heard Josna's mom shouting on her. Though we couldn't understand , it's not rocket science to not understand what's going on. I asked Jason "bring her mom out, we will talk to her"

Jason came out dragging Mrs. Singhania. She was looking so furious that even words were scared to escape her mouth.

"Mrs. Singhania, please don't be judgemental, I can understand your anger but Josna doesn't deserve that..."

"Don't tell.." she tried to shout but I cut  her saying "please listen to me before you say anything. After that whatever you do or decide I won't stop" 

She nodded asking me to continue still looking angry

"Josna thinks of herself hmm..... virgin" 

I didn't know how to start but thought this is the best way.

"What" Mrs. Singhania and Henry shouted. I was surprised at Henry's reaction. Why is he reacting so much?

"Hard to believe but true. I narrated the skiing incident. She was buried in snow for more than an hour. Drew found her with so much difficulty, he couldn't even get any help due to weather conditions. She was freezing to death. He carried her in that snow to a deserted stable. Can you imagine his condition carrying her in snow?" It's not hard to imagine how difficult it is

"It is the only shelter he could find. Somehow he made fire, kept her near it."

He called me


"How is Canada? Didn't expect you call me" I teased

"Judson...." he said in coarse voice 

Something terrible happened

"What's wrong" I asked

"Jo is freezing. Her pulse is so weak. I made the place warm. Still no change, please do something" he pleaded

"Take her to hospital immediately" I know it's so stupid of me to ask that. He would have done it if possible 

"There is no way and no help till morning. I called them but due to weather conditions even chopper can't fly" he said crying 

"What exactly happened" I asked and he narrated 

She was buried in snow for long, fully wet. She needs dry clothes. Oh God! Why did you get us into this situation 

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