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Henry POV

I knocked on Josna's door though her room was open. Her mom left the room patting my shoulder giving us privacy.

Josna sat up on bed, looking down fidgeting.

I sat in sofa next to her bed. She didn't even look at me. It hurt so much. 

"Josna you have 4 choices now, first one, tell your dad we both love"

She interrupted shouting "how dare you suggest that? I don't love you and will never marry you. Not even in your dreams"

She can be very stubborn sometimes , her nickname is stubborn princess, she herself told me on our 1st meet. Seeing  her sweet innocent behavior that day, I couldn't imagine her stubborn side. I could see now.

"Ok, your wish, I guess you want to go for other options" I paused 

She looked at me with honey brown eyes puzzled.

When I didn't say anything she asked "what are the other options you wanted to say"

"Tell your dad you are pregnant, can't get married. He is scared something bad happens if you don't get married in 10 days. So..." 

"Stop it" she shouted. 

She knows her dad would be shattered.

"Marry Rishabh, in few few weeks they will find you are pregnant before marriage, then they will...." 

"Stop it please" she pleaded.

It would bring shame to her family 

"Abort the baby, then marry Rishabh " it was horrible to even suggest

She got up from bed immediately, came to me and slapped me hard. I deserve that.

"How dare you suggest that. Are you even human? Do you think I would kill an innocent baby"

I could see her feel dizzy, I held her shoulders to support and made her sit on bed, gave her water from night stand.

She gulped fast and choked. I patted her head. She looked at me with some emotion same as our 1st meet.

I sat down on my knees near her legs.

"I'm sorry for what I said, I hate myself for even saying such things" I apologized 

"Whether you accept or not it's the reality of your future along with your family. I want to marry you to save you from this situation. If there is any other alternative, I would gladly accept" I said. All these months I dreamt of proposing her in romantic way, marry and imagined beautiful life with her. I'm proposing for marriage of compromise instead of love. How pathetic?

She still didn't look at me.

Her mom came "your dad came with Rishabh, come downstairs " she said to Josna.

Josna looked at me sadly and went with her mom

I went to my room

"Hey Jo, so good to see you after many months, I missed you so much" I heard a male voice. I guess it's Rishabh.

They knew each other for long.

"Hi Rishabh, how are you?" Josna said

"You both talk I will go" her dad said

"Dad, please stay, I want to talk to you both" Josna said 

"Rishabh, I know you from childhood, you are an amazing person" 

 Before she could continue "who is that lucky guy" Rishabh asked

I was surprised at his quick understanding and gentlemen behavior. I like this guy

"I'm sorry Rishabh" she said

I came out of my room and peeped through corridor.

Her dad stood like a statue. Josna went to him and held his hands

"Dad, you gave so much freedom trusting me. I never broke your trust. I fell in love with Henry, couldn't stop my heart from falling in love with him. He is amazing, no one can resist from loving him. I'm sure you would like him, that's why I proposed him. I'm very lucky that he loves me too. I brought him here to get your blessings. I didn't know that you fixed my marriage with Rishabh. I'm sorry dad. I can't love love anyone else other than Henry but would never marry against your wishes. I don't know what to do dad. I love you dad, you are more important to me" she said very convincingly. No one can doubt her story.

I wanted to hear her love for me. I'm hearing now but it's lie.

Whatever she said was true except my name. It's about Drew. My heart pinched thinking of that.

"Uncle, if Josna loves someone, he must be very good. Don't think about me or my parents. I will convince them. Josna's happiness matters" Rishabh said 

He is a nice guy, even worthy of Josna.

"Do you really love Henry, want to spend your whole life with him. If you are 100% sure that you won't regret your decision, I'm ok with it" her dad said. Wow! he is such a great father. I respect him

"I'm sure dad, would never regret" she said confidently

"Call Henry, want to talk to him" her dad said

I came back to my room. Josna knocked on my door after sometime.

"I told dad what you said, he is calling you" she informed 

Few seconds before she confessed to her dad that she loves me so much, now she doesn't even want to mention love word for me. 

I followed her

"Sir, I'm sorry that you are learning about our love in this situation. I love Josna very much, can't imagine my life without her. For me, Josna means  not just her, but you all too. She speaks about you all the time. I lost my family, consider you as my own. I cannot live without her. But can never marry her against your wishes. I want to become part of your family by marrying her, not take away from you" I said. Whatever I said is true, my feelings for her.

I didn't realize I'm crying till Sachin wiped my tears. He hugged me tightly 

" I'm not giving you my daughter" he said releasing from hug

Maybe he didn't like me

"I'm accepting  you into my family  son" he said smiling with happy tears

"Thank you sir" I said

"Call me dad" he said

I hugged him

I turned to Rishabh and said "I'm really sorry Rishabh..."

He stopped me saying "I can see why Jo loves you, all the best" smiling

He hugged me and left

I looked at Josna, she is staring at me in shock. 

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