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Henry's POV 

"I want to show you something..." she said getting up

She got painting from closet

"I made this next day after you went to Australia, I missed you so much"

It's the painting  of us, Me sitting on knees, one hand wrapping around her waist and the other on her tummy. I'm kissing her baby bump. It was kissing Baby's forehead. Jo's hand is on mine and baby is touching our hands. Her other hand is on my head.

It looked so real, I could see all the emotions I felt whenever I touched my baby. My baby, she is just like in my imagination.

No one could put all my emotions in painting in better way. This is the best painting I have ever seen.

I hugged her not knowing how to put all the emotions flowing through me right now in words

"When I painted this, I felt it's incomplete. I remembered Drew, i wish he was there to see us. He thought I would marry someone and get settled in India. He used to ask me stupid questions sometimes about Indian husband's being so possessive not letting wives talk to some other boys" She laughed

"He wants me in his life but not as you think. What else would be better than marrying you? Our lives are perfect..."

I wish it's the truth.

Someone knocked the door. She went to open.

"You asked me to leave Jess there and come, Jason's car was parked at the end of the road..." it's Drew

"Let's talk while having dinner. I'm hungry" Jo said 

Then I got call from her asking me to come for dinner. They both are at dining table, Judson joined us

"Jess loves Jason and Jason is going to propose her" Jo said 

"You are awesome Jo, convincing Jason" Drew said 

"He just needed push" she said 

"I'm eagerly waiting to know what's going on there" Judson said 

"You wouldn't know till tomorrow but don't worry everything will go as planned" i said 

"They are not coming here?" Drew asked 

"I don't think so, they need time alone. Don't worry I arranged candlelight dinner too for them. Let me eat now, I'm damn hungry. I feel hungry all the time. I'm going to be obese if I eat like this" she said 

"You and obese? You don't look pregnant if not for your baby bump. You don't even eat like normal girl and was throwing up till few weeks back. I was scared about.."

"I'm fine and baby too..." She cut me

I was about to say our baby. I would have said that 

"You can't eat more food so you would get hungry soon. Eat every two hours in small quantities, you will feel better. I see you are experiencing Braxton hick contractions too. The pain you are getting occasionally is that. Your body will be preparing for birth" Judson said 

"Baby birth?" She panicked

"Jo, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Is it hurting badly" Drew asked 

"I'm not ready for baby, I never held baby before. I can't take care of my baby, I can't be a good mother..."

I too think if I could be a good father. I have no doubt, she would be wonderful mom

"Calm down Jo, it's not good for you and baby. I'm here. You will make good mom. You are so good taking care of everyone. You handled me in my worst phase... you used to calm me, feed me and make me sleep.

You will be perfect as mom" Drew said holding her hand

I heard from Judson how Jo took care of Drew. She took care of him like a mom. I can see adoration in his eyes

"You think so"  Jo asked 

"I don't think, I know for sure. Now have dinner" he said 

"Thank you Drew. I don't know why I'm being so emotional these days" she said 

"Pregnancy hormones, don't worry. It's common" Judson said 

She finished her dinner but sat with us. She look exhausted 

"Jo you look tired, go to bed" I said 

She nodded but didn't go. looks like she is having difficulty getting up.

"What's wrong ?" I asked 

"I can't feel my legs" she said 

I went to her and looked at my legs

"Jo" i shouted. I got scared seeing them, they are swollen so much

Judson and Drew came 

"Your edema is bad, why didn't you tell?" Judson scolded her

He called Mrs. Sheldon and asked her to go to Jo's room. 

Judson carried Jo to our room. I wish I could take her, she needs me. I'm not giving proper care and love. 

Mrs. Sheldon came after an hour, three of us were waiting for her.

"Josna is sleeping, her swelling is reduced" she said 

After Drew went to his room, I went to see Jo. She is sleeping peacefully, her legs has swelling but it's not bad.

I sat on her bed holding her handle . She has gone through so much pain and stress...

she didn't know why Drew left her, thought he hated her...she thought Drew died, same day she found that she is pregnant when she was never intimate with anyone... she had to digest the bitter truth that her one one only friend was intimate with her to save her life and left her with that guilt... had to marry a stranger to save her family's reputation who is the brother of her baby's father and best friend... on top of it I'm Drew's identical twin...

She fell in love with me... when things were good between us, Drew returned and I made her hide our marriage... I can't even imagine the stress she is going through these two months sandwiched between me and Drew.

In spite of all the stress, she handles everything, home and office. Everyday she is the one who tells menu according to what all 6 of us wants. She takes special care of Christi...

I should have told Drew truth when he asked if I love Jo. I'm a coward. I will not hide the truth anymore. Jo needs me. In two days Travis and Kathy final hearing is there. I will tell Drew same day.

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