Boys are Dumb

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Jo's POV 

I remembered my arguement with Henry, those words echoed in my ears. I feel ashamed of myself. How could I yell at him like that? It's not me

I opened my eyes, all five of them were sitting in my room with worried looks. I couldn't look Henry in the eyes.

"I'm fine, sorry to worry you all. I need to speak to Judson" I said controlling my tears

Everyone left

"I want to go home" 

"This is your home" 

I don't know what to say

"You are Henry's wife and this is where you belong" he said firmly 

"What happened?" He asked 

I don't even know what to say or how to explain

"It's ok, get it off your chest" he said 

"I'm loosing myself, I... yelled at Henry. I even asked if he..." 

I feel ashamed to say that I asked Henry if he had sex with Jess

"Since Drew went to Australia, my life is chaotic. Everything is happening without my will and my brain is unable to handle.

Right now I have nothing but negative thoughts, I'm not in right state of mind. It's not good for my baby. 

I need sometime alone to think about my life, gather myself " I said 

"I can understand Jo. It's good that you are thinking. I will arrange" he said 

"I will stay in my home"

"What did I tell? This is your home. You can stay at your old place. Why did you yell at Henry?" He asked 

"You are asking me why? Didn't you see, he was dancing with her. This morning she even kissed him and he didn't say anything" I shouted 

He smiled 

"Why are you smiling?" I said angrily 

"You were angry seeing Henry and Jess together?" He asked 

"Then what? He is my husband, no one else has the right to even touch him" 

He smiled

"I'm so happy to hear Jo, did you ever tell that to Henry? Never hide feelings. You love him and he loves you, remember that. Rest we all can handle together" he said 

"He never said he loves me" 

"Did you tell? I already told, you don't need him to say those three words to know his love. Take rest, you might feel drowsy because of medicine. Take Mrs. Sheldon(personal attender) help if needed" he said leaving 

Next morning I woke up early having slept early last night and I feel very hungry. I want to eat chocolate pancakes and my little one is kicking so hard. I took quick shower and went to kitchen and made pancakes. 

They are not so bad

"Good morning" it's Jess

"Good morning" i said 

I feel embarrassed about my behavior yesterday 

"I will get you pancakes, I'm not good with cooking, please bear with me" I said getting up

"I will get coffee, I don't eat breakfast so early" she said 

"I will ask Maria to get" i said 

"It's ok, I would make"

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