Why Me?

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Jo's POV 

I got ready by 5pm, waited eagerly to see Henry. Time is passing very slowly today. I kept looking at each and every clock in the house hoping at least one would have mercy. But no, they decided to torture me by ticking slowly. 

After what seemed like forever, it's finally 6pm. Mike didn't come. He is very punctual. I started to worry. Around 7pm Mike came and apologized. Something came up, Henry couldn't make it. He would come home late. Mike looked very tensed, that increased my worry.

"Is there any problem Mike? Henry is fine right?" I asked 

"Everything is fine Josna, don't worry Henry will be home soon" he said leaving 

I tried to call Henry, his phone is engaged. I called at least 50 times in the span of 2 hours. He didn't take my calls, busy tone was coming. I have never been this tensed before, thought I will have nervous breakdown.

Henry came around 10pm, he looked totally exhausted. As soon as he saw me, he came running and hugged me tightly as if he couldn't stand on his own. I hugged him patting his back. Something  definitely happened. 

"I need to go to Australia tonight. It might take a while to return" he said  

No, not Australia. That name itself scares me, I lost Drew there. I don't want Henry to go there.

"I will come with you" i said. I can't live in peace if he goes there. He wouldn't go unless it's needed leaving me especially in this condition. He even looked exhausted, totally forgot about our date. Something happened there.

"No, Jo. I have to go alone. You need rest, can't travel in your condition. Doctor said no traveling" he said 

"Please don't go. I'm scared" I pleaded 

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me. I really need to go Jo. Jason will be here, Christi will come in 3 days. Judson is coming with me" he said which surprised me. Why's he taking Judson if it's for business purpose? Judson is a doctor. Is there some medical emergency? It worried me more.

"Trust me, nothing is wrong. In fact things are good. I can't tell you now. Will be back as soon as I can" he said calmly 

I felt little better after hearing that. 

"My flight is in 2 hours, I will go and pack" he said going to bedroom 

He must be hungry. There is nothing at home. I sent away everyone. I went to kitchen and made Alfredo pasta.

When I went to bedroom to call Henry, his bag was packed and he was in restroom.

"Henry" I called 

"2 minutes" he said 

"I will be downstairs, come soon" I went to set the table

He came down with luggage in faded blue jeans and white button down shirt. He looked so handsome but his face showed signs of fatigue 

"Let's have dinner, you look tired and you must be hungry. I sent everyone home even Nelson(chef). I could only make pasta in hurry" I said taking him to the table

He looked at the table and  me. He had guilty expression. I guess he remembered our date. I'm sure something big happened, otherwise he wouldn't  forget. 

"Jo, I'm ...." 

"Henry please don't apologize, I know something happened. Tell me when you are ready, I won't ask.  Let's have dinner. I'm hungry too" I didn't let him finish

I made him sit and served pasta. He had tears in his eyes. I wiped his tears with kiss and asked him to eat. We ate in silence.

Henry kissed my forehead and "I will miss you Jo, take care of yourself our little girl"

He kneeled down and put his hand on my tummy.

"I'm going to miss you baby. Take care and don't trouble mumma. I love you so much" he kissed our baby

I felt strong kick as if baby understood him. He too felt the kick since he didn't leave his hand from my stomach. He had happy tears.

"Don't go out without Mike, be careful with Kathy. I'm sorry to leave you alone when things are unresolved" he said apologetically 

"Henry, you wouldn't leave me if it's absolutely not needed for you to go. Promise me to take care of yourself, don't skip meals , sleep well and stay safe. Come back soon" I said hugging him. I didn't feel like leaving him

"It's getting late Mr. Hansford" Henry released me from hug hearing Mike's voice 

I controlled my tears with all my will. Henry left with Mike

I couldn't control myself anymore.  Why me always? This is supposed to be the best night in my life

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