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Jo's POV 

I took shower and came out of my room. Everyone were sitting in back porch chatting. Jason is also with them. And that witch is sitting next to Henry. I sat next to Judson.

"How are you feeling now?" Jess asked 

If you stay away from my husband, I will be fine

"Good" I said 

They all were chatting reminiscing college days. I would have definitely liked her if she is not after my husband.

She asked me about my college life and boyfriends 

"I didn't have any friends, just my cousins and their friends. People were scared to make friends, dating is unthinkable. 

Drew is my first friend" I said

"That must be boring" She said

"I was angry with them for being overprotective but never boring. It was always fun. We used to prank everyone but never hurt anyone. In fact everyone enjoyed including professors.

We used to be matchmakers too" I said 

"Matchmakers?" Jess asked

"When someone likes someone and couldn't express, we used to help without their knowledge. Cherry was good with that, poetic and romantic" 

"He would be having many fans then" Jess said

I laughed

"No one knows about his talent apart from us. Now that I think they too didn't have life outside me. Poor guys. Some of his friends even failed exams to be with me. Not my cousins of course, my family would disown them" 

"Disown?" Jess shouted in surprise 

"Everyone are gold medalists. Even if they give exams in half sleep they would pass with distinction" i said proudly

"You have smart family. You all are so close, you must be missing them" she said 

"A lot, I video chat everyday but it's not like meeting everyday" I said sadly. I miss them so much

"It's ok you can go after delivery. Drew said you can't travel in this condition" she said 

That's what Drew thinks? According to him that's the only reason I'm staying. Does he feels I'm a burden, staying here because I can't travel.

I felt pain in my stomach.

They were talking something. Nothing entered my brain

"Jo, what's wrong?" Henry asked

"It's hurting, take me to my room" I asked Judson 

He carried me to my room

"How are you feeling now?" He asked 

"Pain, I don't know... sometimes it's there. Stay with me please" i said 

I sat with me on bed

I woke up around 7... I'm sleeping a lot, don't know if it is pregnancy thing or stress. I didn't see anyone in living room. Hearing noises, I went to kitchen. Everyone were there. Looks like Jess is cooking and everyone is helping

"You are up? How are you feeling?" Jess asked 

"Good, sorry I slept. I will help you" I apologized 

I feel bad that she is in my home working 

"No problem, I love cooking. It's done" she said 

"Food is yummy Jess" I complimented 

"She used to get during college days too" Jason said 

"All Henry's favorites" Drew added

"Not only" Jess said

Of course even today she made  Henry's favorites, Chicken Alfredo pasta and lasagna fritta... I'm a horrible cook and she makes wonderful dishes 

Drew said, Henry and Jess were dance partners and won many competitions during college. 

"It's been so long that we saw you both danced" Drew said

"Yes, Henry. How about we dance now" Jess said 

"I lost touch, it's been so long" Henry said

"It's ok, I'm here"

She played music on her phone and took Henry's hand

They both danced so well in synchronized steps as if they are performing after well practicing. 

I don't know what's hurting me more, whether the fact that my husband is dancing with his ex girlfriend(may be not ex) or they both look good together.

Do they still love each other? Did I come in between them?

I excused myself and went to my room. 

"Jo, it's not what it look like" I heard Henry's voice 

"Why are you here? Go to your girlfriend" I shouted 

"She is not my girlfriend" he said 

"Did you date her or not" I asked 

"Yes, but...."

"Did you have sex with her" 

"Jo, what are you talking? Have you lost your mind?" He shouted 

"Yes I lost my mind, get out of my room" i shouted

"It's my room too" he said 

"You stay, I'm leaving" I said

I feel my head spinning 

He hugged me, that's the last thing I remembered

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