Proud of You

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Judson's POV 

We landed in Sydney around 1pm local time. I called Christi and Jason and Henry called Jo to inform that we reached. Henry's manager picked us from airport and took us to hospital. 

Liam was waiting for us and took us to Drew. He looked better than my wild imagination.

"How is Drew? What happened to him" Henry asked 

"He is given sedative, will not wake up now. We will discuss in my room" Liam said 

We followed him to his room

"You didn't tell?" Liam asked me

I nodded no

"Tell me what?" Henry asked nervously 

"Your brother has no permanent damages, he will recover but he needs medical and family support" 

"I don't understand, please tell what happened to Drew" Henry begged 

"Drew was tortured physically which affected him mentally. He got panic attack and we sedated him but that's the least of concern now. He has broken ribs but he would recover soon. The problem is..." Liam looked at me

"What's the problem Liam, please tell. Please do whatever it takes to make my brother better even if it takes billions I don't care. I want my brother back to normal" Henry said 

"We found high traces of drugs in your brother's blood. I think he got addiction. Once he wakes up completely and talk to him we could understand better. He woke up two hours back but we had to sedate because of panic attack. He would feel better if you are with him when he wakes up. 

If he was kidnapped and abused for months it's natural to get panic attacks. Seeing you might help. 

He is malnourished. I'm telling all these because you need to know but our only concern is drugs. Other than that I don't see any other major problem" Liam explained 

"I'm going to kill that bastard" Henry shouted in anger

"Travis will be definitely punished but Drew needs us now" I said 

"Drew would not wake up till evening. Both of you just landed, go fresh up and come. You can stay in my home" Liam said 

"Thank you Liam, I have home here. It's near to this hospital, Drew was living there. We will stay there" Henry said 

We both went to the house. Henry said he arranged everything, chef and maids. There is also security.

We had lunch in silence and reached hospital. All the while we were silent. I could see anger, pain, sadness in Henry's face. I too had same feelings.

Around 7pm We heard faint voice from Drew. Immediately we both were by his side.

"Drew, it's me Henry... can you hear me?" 

"Henry...." Drew whispered and slowly opened his eyes

"You are safe, see me and Judson are here" I felt proud hearing Henry.  His voice was strong and assuring to make anyone feel safe. Inside he is scared

Drew looked between me and Henry and cried

"It's ok Drew, it's over. We are here to take you" I said

"Ouch..." Drew screamed trying to get up 

"You have broken ribs, but don't worry you just need to stop moving suddenly. You know we can't tape broken ribs, they do it themselves" I tried to joke

"You both are really here, I'm not hallucinating right" Drew asked seriously 

Henry pinched his arm lightly

"You feel the pain right" he asked smiling

Drew smiled

"Did you hallucinate when you were there?" I asked. I don't want to bring about his confinement but I need to talk to him about drugs soon so we can do something about it.

"I was given drugs, I'm sure you already know since I'm in the hospital" Drew said 

"We don't have to talk about it now" Henry said nervously 

"We need to, the sooner the better" i said 

"They mixed in food and gave. I realized so I used to flush food in the toilet and pretend to sleep but I couldn't starve for long. So I ate three days once....." 

the image of it itself is heart wrenching. That explains malnourishment. The person who eats the food only made by best chefs ate simple food and starved to keep himself from addiction. Don't know how Drew tolerated all these months

"I'm so sorry Drew, I should have searched for you more" Henry cried

"It's Travis and Kathy" Drew said looking at me

"We know, Travis is arrested and We are trying to get proofs about Kathy's involvement. Soon she will be behind bars, I will make sure they don't come out in this life" Henry said bitterly 

"How did you find me?" Drew asked

"We have all the time in the world, let me call Liam to check on you" I said 

"Judson, I'm kind of....." Drew couldn't finish. I know he wanted to tell about addiction 

"We know, don't feel ashamed. You did well, tried your best to avoid. It's not in your hands.You will be fine with rehabilitation. We will leave as soon as we can and get therapy in our place" i said and went to call Liam. Actually I wanted to get out of from there before I break down. 

I went to Liam's room and informed him everything.

"That's great news if he had that much self control, it's not difficult at all. I will have psychiatrist talk to Drew" Liam said 

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